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Onuoha Grace Oge

A story was told about a man taking a morning walk on the beach. He saw that hundreds of starfish came in with the tide, and when the tide receded, the starfish were left behind on the beach. With the sun’s rays they would die. The tide had just gone out and the starfish were still alive. The man took a few steps, picked one up and threw it into the water. He did that repeatedly. Another man came along who couldn’t understand what this man was doing. He asked, “What are you doing? There are hundreds of starfish. How many can you help? What difference does it make?” This man did not reply, took two more steps, picked up another one, threw it into the water and said, “It makes a difference to this one.”

The above story is a typical illustration that little things matters as Mother Theresa will say:

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” And before anyone start getting the notion that this write up is becoming another usual ‘boring inspirational piece’, I will like to tell you the story as it is and allow you figure it out for yourself it is inspirational or not.

The story is about a 26 year old girl whose name is Grace Oge Onuoha. She is a graduate of Agricultural Economics and Extension from the University of Agriculture, Markudi.

Like every Nigerian graduate who go for the compulsory youth service scheme after graduation, Grace did the same. She did hers at Zamfara Sate in 2014. And also, just like many youth Corps members who shouted: “God why me”, when they realised that they have been posted to the north; Grace also had her fears.

However, life as they said it is a mystery. A single mosquito bite eluded Grace during her stay in the North. She bubbled and radiated in beauty and grace. Her chubby cheeks were always surrounded with laughter.

Her smile were infectious and it always reveal a perfect set of dentition. She was doing fine. She also had her own business doing as well as her primary assignment. That is a multiple income. A typical Igbo girl, And then, NYSC is over and Grace have to go home like everybody. And then it happened.

On that fateful day which was on the third of July 2015, a day I assure you will never be erased from her memory. She was at Ibadan, where she was working, her boss wanted her to go and make some bank transactions in the bank.

She was usually the one who does that at the office. She went to that journey with two legs but she did not come back again the same.

On her way, a vehicle lost control and veered to her side of the way and hit her from the back and after two surgeries and medical analysis, it dawned on her and her family that she will not be able to use her right knee again.

Poor Grace and her family were given a decision to either amputate the leg or allow the problem to spread to other parts of the body and that will mean death for Grace.

Faced with that situation, they chose life and allowed the leg to be amputated. When asked how it feels to have an amputated leg?

She had this to say: “I must confess it hasn’t been easy. It is really a painful ordeal. I was in pains; I was feeling my legs after the amputation. Even till date I still feel my legs, but when I look down, I can’t find it. I will be like, but I fell you inside of me, but I can’t find you. I can’t see you when I look down. It has really not been easy relying on crutches for movement since it as its attendant limitations”.

As Brazilian Lyricist and novelist Paulo Coelho de Souza will say, “We are not given a good or a bad life, we are only given a life, to make it good or bad.” Realizing that, Grace has refused to give in to depression despite her predicament.

She said: “I thank God for the spirit he has given me. He made me strong. He made me not to look at my limitations. Sometimes when I am down, I will be like, what if you have died? What if you did not wake up from that unconsciousness? I thank God for the accident; I have to be grateful for life because that would have been the end of me.

So, when I look at all those things, I realized that I have every reason to be grateful to God because some people and they never wake up again. Some people eat and they never stood up from where they ate. Some people even slum and die where they are, but here am I still alive having pass through the trauma and the shock”.

Grace further stated: “Even when I was in the hospital, I saw so many people like me and those who had very serious cases, who the vehicle crushed their legs right from the feet through the waist region and they never made it because they were depressed. They passed out. They died. I have always had that strong spirit, ever since the first day it happened. I have always been filled with smiles, happiness, because that is the only way I can overcome whatever that has happened to me.

So, I am grateful to God because I know that, he who has kept me alive has something special for me. I am not better or more than those who have died, but I think, he has given me life for a reason. He spared me for a reason and I know that His plans for me we come to actualization by the grace of God. Amen.”

Grace, knowing quite well that when one turns his or her worries o worship, God definitely turns the person’s battles into blessings. It is therefore a wake up call to all of us. Grace needs help. She has undergone an orthopedic evaluation where the use of prosthesis was recommended to enable her walk on her own. The cost of that prosthetic leg is N2.5 million naira.

As expected, the bereaved usually starts the crying before the mourners joins in. Her family has been able to raise some amount but the figure is nothing compared with what is required. Thus, she needs our help if she is ever going to walk again without the crutches as it is her hope and prayer that she walk

again and take a selfie like her mates do without the aid of crutches.

Like the man in the story in the beginning of this piece, one can become easily discouraged at the huge amount of money especially in this “Buhari Economy”. However, we can do the little that we can and should do. Just as one cant cross the sea merely by standing and starring at the water, so too we can’t help her case by only reading this and doing nothing.

As the famous German writer and statesman Johann Wolfgang Goethe, puts it: “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Wishing is not enough, we must do”.

Grace can be reached on: 07036870905. Her account details are: Onuoha Grace Oge. 0007546405. Diamond Bank.


Wema Bank Set To Launch Season 4 Of Its 5 For 5 Promo Reward Initiative From October 1st, 2024



Wema Bank, Nigeria’s foremost innovative bank and pioneer of Africa’s first fully digital bank, ALAT, is set to launch the 4th season of its transformative reward initiative, the Wema Bank 5 for 5 Promo. The highly anticipated Season is scheduled to kick off on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

Introduced in 2021 the Wema Bank 5 for 5 Promo is a reward initiative pioneered by the Bank with the goal of rewarding its diverse range of customers for active loyalty to the brand, its products, and offerings. The Promo is executed seasonally via thoroughly regulated live draws where winners are selected from the Bank’s pool of active and transacting customers, based on the stipulated minimum requirements and modalities of the season. With benchmarks for qualification set as low as N5,000 in monthly transactions, the Wema Bank 5 for 5 Promo has evolved through each season, solidifying its repute as a source of hope, financial support, business growth and goal acceleration for thousands of Nigerians nationwide.

Over the course of 3 seasons, the 5 for 5 Promo has disbursed over N150,000,000 to 2,378 Nigerians across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria, with 639 customers winning N31,500,000 in season 1, 539 winning N31,850,000 in season 2 and 1,200 winning N90,000,000 in the 3rd season of the 5 for 5 Promo which spanned August 2023 to July 2024. As a new season of the Wema Bank 5 for 5 Promo approaches, tensions are heightening as Nigerians await a new season of financial rewards and pleasant surprises from Wema Bank. Customers of the Bank are encouraged to request a debit card or get onboarded on the ALAT app and *945# and start transacting via any of these channels in anticipation of the season’s kick-off. Other Nigerians interested in participating are encouraged to open Wema Bank/ALAT account(s) to get started.

Reiterating the Bank’s commitment to providing a rewarding banking experience for its customers, Moruf Oseni, MD/CEO of Wema Bank, elaborated on the significance of the Wema Bank 5 for 5 Promo for its customers. “At Wema Bank, we have made it a duty and core value to provide optimum returns for our customers, and this commitment is evident in all that we do as a Bank. ‘Optimum returns’ for Wema Bank is limitless which is why we continue to raise the bar and set new standards, innovating new and improved ways to provide a highly rewarding banking experience for our customers. It is this sense of duty to our customers that inspired the launch of the Wema Bank 5 for 5 Promo”.

“The past seasons of the Wema Bank 5 for 5 Promo have been highly successful, but I can assure you that the coming season will be the biggest in 5 for 5 Promo history to date. We are, yet again, raising the bar, and with more to win this season, every Wema Bank customer is in for a treat. It’s beyond the rewards customers are getting. With the 5 for 5 Promo, we are telling customers that we’re grateful, showing them that we care, and empowering lives and businesses to thrive. Through this initiative, we have made undergraduate millionaires, established businesses across Nigeria, boosted existing ventures despite economic fluctuations, given hope to Nigerians of various ages and walks of life; and this season, we are more than prepared to exceed all milestones, break new ground and transform more lives for the best. The Wema Bank 5 for 5 Promo Season 4 kicks off on October 1 and we have a special Independence Day live draw to kickstart the season, so I welcome every Nigerian to Wema Bank and encourage all to get on ALAT, request a Wema/ALAT card or onboard on *945# and get ready for an intriguing new 5 for 5 Promo Season, bigger than ever before”, Oseni concluded.

The Wema Bank 5 for 5 Promo season 4 promises to be a game changer and every Nigerian can participate and secure big wins throughout the season by being a Wema Bank customer and getting onboarded on the valid transaction channels which include the ALAT app, the Wema/ALAT card and the Bank’s USSD Banking platform, *945#.

All transactions made using the qualifying Wema Bank and ALAT transaction channels from October 1, 2024, are potentially qualifying transactions and could secure rewards ranking in millions for Nigerians across Nigeria.

T&Cs Apply.

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African Philanthropist & Business Leader, Tony Elumelu Sets Out Africa’s Priorities For UNGA 2024



  • Transformative Economic Growth, Youth Employment, Energy Transition Critical for the Continent


African philanthropist and business leader, Tony Elumelu, will make Africa’s transformative economic growth, youth employment, and energy transition central to the discussions at this year’s United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), taking place late September in New York.

Elumelu will call for urgent action in a series of engagements, including a roundtable discussion at the Clinton Global Initiative with former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, and at an event co-hosted by the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), led by WFP Executive Director, Cindy McCain.

Elumelu will bring his perspective both from extensive experience in building industry-leading businesses across the continent, and the success of the Tony Elumelu Foundation’s catalytic programmes empowering young Africans. Elumelu is a realist, challenging Africa and Africans to solve their problems, bringing African solutions, but also recognizing Africa’s responsibility to act.

As Chairman of United Bank for Africa (UBA) Group and pan-African investment company, Heirs Holdings, as well as Founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, Elumelu is a leading driver of Africa’s transformation agenda, helping shape the continent’s narrative on the global stage. His thought leadership and advocacy challenge conventional views, offering innovative strategies for collaboration and growth. The success of his Foundation in promoting youth entrepreneurship as a pathway out of poverty, has featured in case studies from Harvard, Chicago Business School, Stanford and Cambridge.

With over 60% of Africans lacking access to electricity and young people making up more than 60% of the continent’s 1.3 billion population, Africa faces challenges that impact the world. Africa, most recently with tragic floods in West Africa, is suffering climate driven environmental crises, caused by global emissions, whilst Africa’s development is held back by huge infrastructure deficits.

In a recent statement, Elumelu emphasised, “I have often said that there is nowhere else in the world you can reap the kind of investments as in Africa. However, I am acutely aware of the fundamental challenges our continent faces. Addressing the issues of sustainable economic growth, youth unemployment, genda inequality, and Africa’s energy transition is critical not only for meeting the continent’s basic developmental needs, but also for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and unlocking the immense economic potential that Africa offers.”

An economist and visionary entrepreneur, Elumelu’s economic philosophy of Africapitalism, serves as a blueprint for accelerating Africa’s economic transformation, advocating for the private sector to take the lead in delivering social and economic wealth, and shared prosperity for all.

Alongside Elumelu’s advocacy, the United Bank for Africa, which he chairs, will host a networking gala on the sidelines of UNGA – a platform to spotlight investment opportunities on the continent. The Gala will convene prominent leaders across four continents, in commemoration of UBA Group’s 75th anniversary and the Group’s 40 years of operations in the United States.

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Keyamo Inaugurates Consumer Protection Portal, Charges NCAA To Address Ticket Refund Issues Within 24hrs



Festus Keyamo, the Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, has officially launched the consumer protection portal of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) in Lagos.

This innovative portal is designed to provide travelers with a hassle-free way to lodge complaints online and track the resolution process.

Speaking at the launch, Keyamo emphasized the importance of swift action, directing the NCAA to address airline ticket refunds owed to passengers by airlines within 24 hours.

This move aims to alleviate the struggles many passengers have faced in reclaiming funds for flights booked from airlines that are no longer operating.

With this platform, travelers can electronically file complaints, track the resolution process, and monitor the on-time performance of all airlines operating in Nigeria.

“I am not unaware of the complaints of people whose money has not been refunded by certain airlines that have stopped operations due to safety concerns,” Keyamo said.

“I receive a huge number of such complaints in my emails, text messages, and direct messages. I have been a lawyer of the federal republic for over 30 years before I was called to serve my fatherland. People find a way to send these complaints to me and that is why I receive some of these complaints directly.

“For the airlines that have not refunded passengers’ money, there must be a public statement by the NCAA by the end of Friday latest.

“Let the public know what is happening to that money. I know you have resolved that. Let’s not pretend as if we are not hearing anything about this. People bought tickets before the airlines ran into troubled waters. What happened to their money? What plans do you have to refund them? This is part of consumer protection.

“The NCAA should come out with a public statement to show what they are doing about resolving the issue.”

On protecting travellers, Keyamo said the portal is expected to streamline the complaints process and ensure efficiency in the aviation sector.

He commended the NCAA’s leadership, particularly its consumer protection directorate, for the initiative, noting that passenger satisfaction is crucial for the industry’s viability.

“The final thing that we must achieve in the sector is that the person boarding the aircraft must have good experience, must feel the change either in terms of prices, environment or experience. Everybody is working for that final consumer, including myself,” he said.

“Let it be clear that we are all consumer protection officers and it’s not only for those gentlemen and ladies in uniform.

“As a frequent flyer myself, I have seen firsthand, the rage of passengers who are either disappointed by delayed flights, cancellations or some ugly experiences on those flights. I have seen the rage and this is a means by which they can ventilate that rage.”

On his part, Chris Najomo, acting director-general of the NCAA, praised the initiative as a vital step in protecting the rights of aviation consumers in Nigeria.

“In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, consumers face myriads of challenges. From being unaware of their rights to navigating complex regulations to addressing poor services or unfair practices,” Najomo said.

“Hence, the need for a robust system to protect and empower consumers has never been more critical.”

On July 20, the NCAA announced its plans to launch a consumer protection portal in August to address complaints within the aviation sector.

However, the authority postponed the launch of the portal to September 19.

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