Stop ‘Denigrating’ Nigerian Military, ‘It’s Unpatriotic’ — APC Lawmaker To Dokubo



Philip Agbese, a member of house of representatives, says that Asari Dokubo, a Niger Delta activist, ought to cease “denigrating” the armed forces.

Dokubo has said that the military was aware of individuals responsible for the oil theft in the Niger Delta.

“The army and the navy intimidate the civil defense who are by status, the people who are supposed to guard these pipelines,” he had said.

In reaction, the navy asked the activist to name the military personnel complicit in the oil theft in the region.

In a statement on Sunday, Agbese, who represents Ado/Okpokwu/Ogbadibo federal constituency in the lower legislative chamber, said the comments by Dokubo are “uncharitable” and “unpatriotic”.

“Dokubo is attempting to bring down the military and make militancy popular in the eyes of the people,” the lawmaker said.

“I appreciate Dokubo who is my good friend for his unequivocal stance on a lot of issues but I think he missed the point on this particular subject.

“Our officers are not in any way complicit even though much can still be achieved in the areas of protecting our national assets in the Niger Delta.

“Dokubo simply wants to be involved, which is his right. We must, however, not destroy the reputation of others to get what we want.

“The sacrifices of our military officers and men who make all the sacrifices to keep the country together should not be taken for granted.

“If there are lapses, we expect Dokubo, as an elder statesman, to provide relevant information and support to the troops.

“We have gone past the era of militancy. If that is what Dokubo is clamoring about, I’m sorry it is not an option.

“Our military has shown to be equal to the task.”


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