President Buhari Saddened By The Death Of Tinubu’s First Son



President Muhammadu Buhari has sent out a condolence message to the briefed family of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Porscheclassy.com had earlier reported that the leader of the All Progressive Congress (APC) lost his first son on Wednesday, November 1.

In a message published on Facebook, President Buhari said he is deeply grieved to learn of the passing away of Jide Tinubu, eldest son of the APC National Leader.

Femi Adesina, special aide to the President revealed that Buhari in a telephone call Wednesday to Asiwaju Tinubu on behalf of the Federal Government and his family offered his deepest condolences to the Tinubu family over the loss of Jide.

Describing the transition of Jide as “sad and painful,” the President said that the nation has been denied the services and potentials of the resourceful lawyer.

He prayed that God will grant the Tinubu family, friends and associates the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss, and comfort all who mourn the passage of the promising gentleman.

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