Ondo Govt Arrests Corpse In Transit For Burial, 50 Buses Over COVID-19 Curfew



A corpse for burial in Kogi State has been seized by the Ondo State Governor for breaching its orders on dusk- to- dawn curfew.

The curfew was to curb the spread of COVID-19 at beer parlours, night clubs and other social places despite the ban on the social gathering by Governor Oluwarotimi Akeredolu.

Besides the curfew, Akeredolu also closed its borders to all persons and vehicles except those conveying food and other essentials.

Also seized were over 50 buses conveying passengers to different parts of the county.

The Task Force on COVID-19 in Ondo made the arrests while monitoring compliance at the borders.

It was gathered that the Task Force arrested the buses along the Akure-Ilesha highway after it got information that they broke through the security at the Owena border with Osun State.

Sources said the corpse was in transit to Kogi State from Lagos State for burial when the Task Force arrested the hearse conveying it.

Special Adviser to Governor Akeredolu, Mr. Tobi Ogunleye, said the vehicles were apprehended for violating the directive on curfew in the state and regulation on overloading including traveling interstate.

Ogunleye said some security operatives were frustrating efforts to curb COVID-19 by allowing travelers into the state.

He stated that an Airforce officer, who became a commercial driver, during the curfew hours was arrested.

The passengers in the buses said they were returning to their villages in Kano State so that they could feed because ‘Lagos is now dry’.

A special team was organized to escort the travelers to the borders to enable them to continue their journey.

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