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APC National Executive Committee To Approve Ganduje, Basiru As Chairman, Secretary



At its upcoming meeting, the All Progressives Congress’ National Executive Committee (NEC) is anticipated to approve the selection of Dr. Abdullahi Ganduje as national chairman and Senator Ajibola Basiru as national secretary.

Following the resignations of the previous chairman, Senator Abdullahi Adamu, and secretary, Senator Iyiola Omisore, the pair was unanimously selected as the new combination.

On the NWC’s request, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is anticipated to confirm the date of the NEC meeting.

Also, the NWC, NEC, and the governors agreed that there should be a smooth transition and continuity of the pre-existing zoning formula for the composition of the party leadership.

A source said the Progressives Governors’ Forum (PGF), led by Imo State Governor Hope Uzodimma, met at Imo State Lodge, Abuja, and endorsed Ganduje and Basiru.

A day after, governors and other party leaders, particularly members of the National Caucus, held a meeting with Ganduje and Basiru.

According to the source, the National Caucus, of which President Tinubu is a member, is expected to communicate to the NEC the decisions of the APC governors and other party blocs before the new chairman and secretary assume office after the NEC ratification.

Already, the decisions have also been communicated to the state chapters and the parliamentary caucuses.

Although the two nominees are expected to be ratified by the national convention, the APC constitution has vested the NEC with the power to act in lieu of the convention in an emergency.

According to the party’s constitution, one of the essential functions of the national convention is to elect new national officers.

However, the NEC is also empowered to perform the functions of the national convention in between conventions.

Article 13(ii) of the APC constitution states that the final authority of the party shall rest with the national convention.

It has the power to ratify policies and programs of the party and elect or remove national officers.

Article 13.3 A (ii) vests in the NEC, which is the principal executive body of the party, power to summon or convene the national convention and prepare its agenda.

The NEC, under the constitution, can discharge all functions of the national convention in between national conventions.

Ganduje, a two-time governor of Kano State, is a household name in the party and country. He was Kano State deputy governor between 1999 and 2003 and between 2011 and 2015.

Basiru, who holds a doctorate degree in Law, served as Commissioner for Special Duties, and later Attorney-General/Commissioner for Justice in Osun State.

He was elected into the 9th Senate from Osun Central District in 2019 and was the spokesman of the Senate.

Adamu and Omisore resigned last week, following complaints about a lack of accountability and non-inclusive leadership.

The former chairman and secretary were also accused of sidelining critical party organs, by not calling regular NWC meetings and failing to respect the party constitution in respect of NEC.

Stakeholders never raised eyebrows over their exit, particularly because of the indictment in the party’s audit report.

APC National Vice Chairman (Northwest), Salihu Lukman, who reflected on Adamu’s voluntary resignation yesterday, told reporters in Abuja that it was not beyond expectation.

He said the party was not in a position to tolerate a disloyal and subversive leadership.

Although the Deputy National Chairman (North), Senator Abubakar Kyari, has been acting as chairman, party stakeholders resolved last week to choose new helmsmen without rupturing the North/South zoning arrangement.

Lukman: no room for subversive party leadership

Lukman, a member of NWC, said it has now been established in the ruling party that subversive acts cannot be condoned.

He maintained that the former chairman and secretary had to resign because they did not allow the statutory organs of the party to carry out their constitutional duties.

Lukman, in a statement titled: “APC and question of party building,” said Tinubu’s endorsement for Ganduje was understandable, adding that he will be a better chairman.

But, the vice chairman said Ganduje’s choice would violate micro-zoning to Northcentral because he is from Northwest.

He said: “One could only imagine how frustrating it was for President Tinubu to cohabit with a party leadership that was covertly subversive at the beginning of his administration.

“It will be very understandable if President Tinubu, therefore, will move to bring in a strong loyalist such as Abdullahi Umar Ganduje as the next national chairman, having experienced first-hand what a disloyal party national chairman can do to undermine a government produced by the party.”

The vice chairman, however, urged the party leadership to cede the office of the National Chairman to the Northcentral in line with the earlier agreed zoning formula.

Lukman said: “The situation we face today presents us with the opportunity to restore constitutional order in APC.

“Once we don’t use the opportunity properly and restore the sanctity of the APC constitution, we will be laying the foundation for worse things to happen under a new national chairman.

“As NWC members, we must be seen to be active in the debate on the way forward.

“A situation whereby President Tinubu and Progressive Governors are alleged to have decided on Ganduje as the next national chairman without consulting other power blocs in the party and without meeting any of the organs of the party, including the NWC, is very risky and potentially damaging to President Tinubu and the party.

“If this is associated with a President who comes from a military background, it will be understandable. But to be associated with President Tinubu, whose background is outright civilian, having led the struggle for democracy in Nigeria for almost four decades, will be highly unimaginable.

“We must, therefore, appeal to all those sponsoring this campaign to nominate Dr. Ganduje for the position of APC national chairman, especially His Excellency, Hope Uzodimma, Chairman, Progressive Governors Forum, to come to order and allow due process within the party to take its rightful course in the selection process.

“Nobody, including the PGF, should be allowed to seek to entrench arbitrariness and injustice in the determination of who emerges as the next National Chairman of APC.

“We must remind everyone, including President Tinubu, that so far, the agreed zoning formula in APC cedes the position of national chairman of the party to Northcentral.

“Therefore, the relevant section of the APC constitution concerning filling vacancies should be respected. Anything short of that will amount to illegality and will constitute an act of injustice against members of the party from North Central.

“A party envisioned to be progressive must not be associated with that, especially if one of our objectives now is to return the APC to its founding vision of emerging as a progressive party.”


FEC Steps Down Minimum Wage Memo, President Tinubu To Consult Governors, Private Sector



President Bola Tinubu has been given permission by the federal executive council (FEC) to consult with state governors and the commercial sector regarding the new minimum wage.

Following the FEC meeting on Tuesday, Minister of Information Mohammed Idris made the announcement in an interview with State House media. States, local government districts, the corporate sector, and the federal government will all be impacted by the ultimate decision on the new national minimum wage, according to Idris.

The minister of information stated that Tinubu will make a well-informed decision following broader consultation and that all relevant parties must provide feedback on the new minimum wage.

“I want to inform Nigerians here that the federal executive council deliberated on the report of the tripartite committee on the new national minimum wage,” the minister said.

“The decision is that because the new national minimum wage is not just that of the federal government, it is an issue that involves the federal government, the state governments, local governments, and the organised private sector and of course, including the organised labour.

“That memo was stepped down to enable Mr. President to consult further, especially with the state governors and the organised private sector, before an executive bill is presented to the national assembly.

“So I want to state that on the new national minimum wage, Mr. President is going to consult further so that he can have an informed position because the new national minimum wage, like I said, is not just an issue of the federal government.

“It affects the state governments, local governments, the organised private sector. That is why it is called the national minimum wage. It’s not just an affair of the federal government.

“So, Mr. President has studied the report and he is going to consult wider before a final submission is made to the national assembly.”

Recall that over the past few months, the federal and state governments, organised labour, and the private sector have been negotiating on a new minimum wage.

At the last meeting of the tripartite committee on minimum wage, organised labour rejected the N62,000 proposal by the government and insisted on N250,000 as the living wage.

The federal government had asked the labour unions to demand a more realistic and sustainable minimum wage.

On June 7, governors under the aegis of the Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF) said the N60,000 minimum wage for workers is not sustainable.

On June 10, the tripartite committee submitted its report to George Akume, secretary to the government of the federation (SGF).

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Court Freezes N1.1billion Linked To Former Globus Bank Staff Accused Of Hacking, Stealing Customers N3.5 Billion



The Federal High Court in Abuja has placed about N1,198,911,864.72 under lockdown at four Nigerian banks in connection with funds connected to former Globus Bank employees who are accused of hacking into and stealing N3.5 billion worth of client transactions.

Order was issued against the following account names: Oluwaseun Adeniyi Afolabi, Onobun Oluwaseun Olumide, Abdullahi Abubakar Sadiq, and Haril Global Solutions Ltd.

The order was made in response to a request for information on summons (dated January 12, 2024) from the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) regarding its expertise.

The EFCC counsel, Olanrewaju Adeola, had asked the court to freeze all the accounts in the interest of justice and stop all outward payments, operations or transactions (including bill of exchange) on those accounts, in suit NO/FHC/CS/32/2024.

  • EFCC’s Allegations Against Suspects

In EFCC’s affidavit in support deposed to by its Litigation Clerk,  Samson Oloje, the commission received an intelligence report about the activities of ex-staff of Globus Bank who allegedly hacked into the bank systems and stole the sum of N3.5000.000.00 of customers’ money.

Upon receipt of the intelligence report, Globus Bank was invited wherein one Monday Edward, Head of Internal Audit/Chief Inspector of the Bank came and volunteered a statement confirming that the bank system was hacked.

He added that the intelligence report was assigned to the Advance Fee Fraud Section of the Commission and investigation thus far reveals that about three ICT staff of the bank perpetuated the fraud before leaving the institution.

He stressed that as pioneers and architects of the Globus Bank ICT software platform, Babatunde Idris Olayiwola, Chinedu Ihuma and Igwe George Benedict Obinna, who allegedly carried out the crime are abreast of the platform working details and knew how to access all the accounts of Globus Bank.

He stated in his affidavit,

“That one Babatunde Idris Olayiwola a former staff of Globus who is an ICT expert, who created all the software platforms the bank is using in its daily operational business introduced one Chinedu lhuma to Globus Bank when the former was about to exit the bank.

“That Chinedu Ihuma, a former staff of Globus Bank was also an ICT expert introduced to the Bank by Babatunde Olayiwole to oversee the ICT software operational platforms created by Babatunde Olayiwola for the Bank. He also introduced one Igwe George Benedict Obinna to the bank to take over and oversee the ICT software operational platforms when the former was about to exit the bank.

“That investigation reveals that Babatunde Idris Olayiwola, Chinedu Inuma and Igwe George Benedict Obinna hacked into the computer systems of Globus Bank and they transferred monies over three billion, five hundred million Naira (N3,500,000,000) from the account of the Bank into various account belonging to Haril Global Solutions Ltd and affiliate different bank accounts domicile in various banks across the country.

“That further investigation reveals that the fraud was perpetrated through the login details of Igwe George Benedict Obinna which he shared with the duo of Babatunde Idris Olayiwola and Chinedu Ihuma.”

Oloje stated that sequel to the findings of the investigations, all bank accounts related to the fraud were requested via investigation activities letters to banks concerned wherein evidence of receipt of funds was established.

The EFCC staff also informed the court that Globus Bank management earlier approached the Federal High Court, Lagos to place a Post No Debit (PND) order on the bank accounts where the monies had been diverted, in order to prevent the depletion of the funds in the accounts.

Furthermore, he informed the court that the computers and telephone device of Igwe George Benedict Obinna has been sent for forensic analysis to know the extent of the involvement of Babatunde Idris, Olayiwola Chinedu Ihuma and Igwe George Benedict Obinna in the illegal activities.

“During the course of the investigation, the prime suspect, Igwe George Benedict Obinna was arrested and interviewed and made a statement to the effect of his dealing with the perpetuation of the fraud,” the EFCC stated.

The EFCC asked the court to grant its request as not granting it would jeopardize the ongoing investigation into the intelligence report received by the commission.

Justice Inyang Ekwo, on January 23, 2024 freezed the accounts in dispute and adjourned for the EFCC to provide reports of the final outcome of its investigation.

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BREAKING: Customs Deputy Comptroller Slumps, Dies At Reps Investigative Hearing



Essien Etop Andrew, the deputy comptroller of finance administration and technical service at the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), is dead.

It was gathered that the customs officer was fielding questions from members of the house of representatives committee on public account when he coughed and slumped.

Andrew was rushed to the national assembly clinic where he was confirmed dead.


More to come…

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