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48-Yr-Old Nigerian Man Who Relocated To UK In 2022 Beats Wife To Death With Son’s Skateboard Over Bills, Alleged Infidelity



Olubunmi Abodunde, a Nigerian living in the United Kingdom, killed his wife Taiwo by beating her with their son’s skateboard.

After arriving in the UK from Nigeria in 2022 with three children, the couple never got along and frequently argued over expenses and rumoured affairs.

According to Daily Mail, 48-year-old Abodunde, who has been the subject of multiple domestic abuse investigations by Suffolk Police, was scheduled to stand trial for murder on Wednesday but then entered a guilty plea after the jury was sworn in.

During the abuse, officers heard ‘a number of bangs’ inside the house, which Abodunde had gone into, despite bail conditions imposed the day before that banned him from the property following another violent episode.

When they finally entered 25 minutes later, they found the wife, 41-year-old Taiwo, with her ‘skull smashed in’.

However, Judge Martyn Levett, sitting at Ipswich Crown Court, warned him the only possible sentence was life imprisonment.

Suffolk Constabulary has referred itself to the Independent Office of Police Conduct, which confirmed three officers were under investigation.

An IOPC spokesman said, “We advised two Suffolk officers that they are under investigation for potential breaches of the police standards of professional behaviour at the level of gross misconduct.

“We advised another officer that they are under investigation at the level of misconduct.”

Abodunde had a history of jealousy and suspicion and accused his wife of having affairs. He had been investigated by police a number of times over alleged domestic violence incidents before his wife’s death.

He was arrested on April 27 last year when police arrived at the couple’s home in Newmarket, Suffolk, and found Mrs Abodunde with a split lip.

Later that day, he was freed on police bail with the condition that he stayed away from the marital home and didn’t approach his wife.

But after working a night shift at Tesco, he went home just after 9 am to allegedly pick up his mobile phone.

Two officers arrived at 9.20 am to take a statement from Mrs Abodunde about the previous night’s incident and heard repeated banging noises inside.

But it wasn’t until 9.55 am that they forced their way in after getting approval from senior officers and found Mrs Abodunde ‘obviously dead’ near the front door.

A post-mortem examination later showed she had been throttled until she fell unconscious, then stamped on until her ribs were broken before her husband used the skateboard to finish her off. The blows were so violent that the skateboard was damaged.

Prosecutor Simon Spence KC told the court the banging officers heard was likely to have been Abodunde continuing to attack his wife after she was unconscious or dead.

Mrs Abodunde had a job as a care home assistant in Cambridge, but her husband, who had trained as a civil engineer, was unable to find work in his profession and took shifts at Tesco and Wickes.

After his arrest for the murder, Abodunde was taken to hospital “because he appeared to have some sort of mental episode”.

He later claimed in a police statement he had acted in self-defence, saying, “My wife has subjected me to physical abuse for a number of years.

“On November 28, we got into an argument. She ran at me with a knife, I grabbed the knife and cut my hand. I was defending myself.”

But the court heard while he did have an injury to his hand, there wasn’t a knife near his wife’s body.

Nneka Akudolu KC, defending, said the level of violence was ‘completely out of character’ for her client and might have been affected by medication he was taking. But she said no medical evidence would be provided to support this claim.

Detective Inspector Dan Connick, of Suffolk Police, said after the hearing, “This was an awful attack on a woman that has had a lasting impact on the community and, most importantly, on the victim’s family.

‘We are pleased that Taiwo’s family will no longer have to go through the pain of a trial.

‘Our thoughts remain with Taiwo’s family and friends and hope this result will bring some small comfort to them.’

Taiwo Abodunde worked for Cambridge Manor Care Home, which provides dementia care and residential and respite care.

A spokesman for the facility, which is owned by TLC Care, said: ‘We are all deeply shaken and upset by the tragic death of Taiwo, who was a much-loved member of our home community.

‘Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with her family. Taiwo always cared for those we support with compassion and kindness, and she will be greatly missed by all of us and our residents.’

Abodunde was remanded in custody and will be sentenced on May 9.


IGP Egbetokun Finally Approves Hunger Protest, Asks Organisers To Submit Names, House Addresses, Others



On Friday, Inspector-General of Police Kayode Egbetokun requested that all groups planning to participate in the upcoming nationwide protest provide their details to the Commissioners of Police in their respective states.

During a press briefing at the Force Headquarters in Abuja, Egbetokun explained that this request is aimed at ensuring a peaceful protest.

Additionally, Egbetokun revealed that the police have received intelligence indicating that foreign mercenaries are involved in the planned protest.

This information has raised concerns about potential violence and unrest, prompting the police to take proactive measures to maintain public safety and order.

By submitting their details, protest groups can help the police to better understand their plans and take necessary steps to prevent any potential disruptions or security threats.

He said, “We acknowledge the constitutional right of Nigerian citizens to peaceful assembly and protest. However, in the interest of public safety and order, we urge all groups planning to protest to provide necessary details to the Commissioner of Police in the state where the protest is intended to take place.

“To facilitate a successful and incident-free protest, they should please provide the following information.”

Other guidelines, according to him, are “stating the proposed protest routes and assembly points. 2. Expected duration of the protest. 3. Names and contact details of protest leaders and organizers.

“Measures to prevent hijacking by criminal elements, including key identifiers for possible isolation of potential troublemakers. By providing this information, the police will be enabled to deploy adequate personnel and resources to ensure public safety.

“Designate specific routes and areas for the protest to avoid conflicts with other events or activities. Establish clear communication channels with protest leaders to address any concerns or issues that may arise.

“Minimize the risk of violence, property damage, or other criminal activity. We encourage all protestors to cooperate with the police, obey the law, and adhere to global best practices for peaceful assembly to guarantee a safe and successful exercise of their rights.”

The top cop said they have been monitoring development surrounding protest threats, saying while some groups call for violent protests, emulating Kenya’s recent events, others advocate for peaceful demonstrations.

“However, some individuals promote peaceful protests with violent undertones, raising concerns about their sincerity. We have our history of violent protests in Nigeria, and I don’t believe we have to look to other countries to note the dangers of unchecked demonstrations.

“We commend patriots who have withdrawn from the protest due to the apparent sinister motives and ignorance of those calling for violence. We note those who have spoken out against any form of protest at this critical juncture, fearing enemies of our country may be manipulating the process.

“We confirm their fears are genuine, as we have credible intelligence on foreign mercenaries’ involvement in this planned protest. The Nigerian police urge all Nigerians to exercise caution and think twice before joining any protest group.”

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BREAKING: Foreign Mercenaries Involved In Planned Hunger Protest — IGP Egbetokun



On Friday, the Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, revealed that intelligence gathered by the Force indicates that foreign mercenaries are involved in the planned nationwide protest.

During a press briefing in Abuja, Egbetokun warned Nigerians to exercise extreme caution and carefully consider the consequences before participating in any protest group.

Egbetokun said, “We have been monitoring development surrounding protest threats. While some groups call for violent protests, emulating Kenya’s recent events, others advocate for peaceful demonstrations.

“However, some individuals promote peaceful protests with violent undertones, raising concerns about their sincerity. We have our history of violent protests in Nigeria, and I don’t believe we have to look to other countries to note the dangers of unchecked demonstrations. We commend patriots who have withdrawn from the protest due to the apparent sinister motives and ignorance of those calling for violence.

“We note those who have spoken out against any form of protest at this critical juncture, fearing enemies of our country may be manipulating the process. We confirm their fears are genuine, as we have credible intelligence on foreign mercenaries’ involvement in this planned protest. The Nigerian police urge all Nigerians to exercise caution and think twice before joining any protest group.”

He urged citizens to think twice before joining the protests, citing the potential risks and unknown motivations of external influences.


More to come…

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Alaba Traders Oppose Planned Hunger Protests, Reaffirm Belief In Tinubu’s Governance



Chief Camilus Amajuoyi, President General of Alaba International Market in Ojo, Lagos, has announced that the market’s members will not participate in the planned nationwide protests.

This decision, he explained, is not due to a lack of awareness of the current economic hardships, but rather a belief that mass protests may not be the most effective solution at this time. Amajuoyi emphasized that many traders in the market rely on daily income and cannot afford to disrupt their business activities.

He highlighted the struggles of the informal sector, which includes many market members, who have been severely impacted by the tripling of business costs without receiving any government palliatives, incentives, or interest-free loans to alleviate their difficulties.

He however expressed his confidence in President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s ability to address the nation’s pressing issues.

“The fluctuating exchange rates and high costs of duties at national ports, coupled with increased transportation expenses, have made it nearly impossible for business owners to plan effectively. These factors have contributed to the sharp rise in the prices of goods and services across the country.

“These are realities staring Nigerians in the face, from the North, East west and South of the nation. Even at that, we members of Alaba International market unequivocally state that we are not going to partake in any planned protest in Nigeria, we are not closing our market in solidarity with any group or persons with regard to any protest.

“We believe that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu will definitely find a lasting solution to the numerous challenges facing Nigerians now, ranging from insecurity, high cost of food, drugs, transportation, bad roads, corruption among other things,” Amajuoyi said.

Amajuoyi however decried the perilous state of the only access road to Alaba International Market, which has caused numerous accidents involving heavy-duty trucks.

He urged the Lagos State government to prioritize the repair of this critical route and focus on other projects that could significantly reduce the suffering of the masses.

He also warned potential protesters to stay away from Alaba International Market to prevent any looting or damage to goods.

He called on the Lagos State government, Nigerian police, military, DSS, and other security agencies to ensure that all market places are protected from criminal elements.

“Our market will not be a venue for protests, and we will not tolerate any disruptions,” Amajuoyi stated.

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