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Tinubu Handled Fuel Subsidy, Niger Coup Poorly — Former President Obasanjo



Nigeria’s Former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, has condemned the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu over poor implementation of the removal of subsidy from petroleum products as well as the floating naira.

Obasanjo said though the policies were necessary, they were wrongly implemented.

Obasanjo, according to a statement made available to journalists on Sunday by his Special Assistant on Media, Kehinde Akinyemi, also condemned Nigeria’s approach to the coup in the Republic of Niger.

He was said to have spoken in Abuja at the weekend at a  colloquium tagged: “Nigeria’s Development: Navigating the Way Out of the Current Economic Crisis and Insecurity.”

The ex-president said, “Today, the government has taken three decisions, two of which are necessary but wrongly implemented and have led to the impoverisation of the economy and of Nigerians. These are the removal of subsidy, closing the gap between the black market and official rates of exchange and the third is dealing with a military coup in Niger Republic.

“The way forward is production and productivity which belief and trust in government leadership will engender. No shortcut to economic progress but hard work and sweat.

“The economy does not obey orders, not even military orders. I know that. If we get it right, in two years, we will begin to see the light beyond the tunnel. It requires a change of characteristics, attributes, and attitude by the leadership at all levels to gain the confidence and trust of investors who have alternatives.”

Obasanjo added that the government must do more to attract foreign investments. He said, “Total Energy has gone to invest $6bn in Angola instead of Nigeria. If the truth must be stated, the present administration has not found the right way to handle the economy to engender confidence and trust for investors to start trooping in.

“They know us more than we know ourselves. And now they are laughing at us, not taking us seriously. We have to present ourselves in such a way that we will be taken seriously. If the existing investors are disinvesting and going out of our country, how do we persuade new investors to rush in?

“We can be serious if we choose to be but we need to change from transactional leadership in government to transformational and genuine servant leadership.

“With change by us, the investors will give us benefit of doubt, and security being taken care of on a sustainable long-term basis, they will start to test the water.

“ With the right economic policies, attribute of integrity and honesty of purpose, all should be well with all hands on deck and government becomes a catalyst for development, growth and progress.

To conclude on the economy, “tinkering with the exchange rate is not the answer. The answer is consistency and continuity in policy to ensure stability and predictability. That way, we will be sure to incentivize domestic and foreign investment.

“There must be honesty and transparency in government dealings and contracts and not lying with deception about these issues. When the government is seen as pursuing the right policy, the private sector will go for production and productivity.”

“Change is possible but it must begin with the leadership”.

The former President’s reaction to the refinery issue was coming barely six months after the claim that the refinery would begin operation in January.

He noted that to get out of the current situation of the country, the government and the governed needed to look at the past and the present, and ask: How do we get here?

“Looking at the topic of today’s occasion, the question I would ask is, how do we navigate our way out of these crises and pave the path towards a more secure and prosperous Nigeria? I believe the answer to this requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses the root causes of these challenges. The central questions are: where were we? And how did we get to where we are today?

According to Obasanjo: “Firstly, we must know where we are coming from. Our economy has consistently suffered from poor policies, lack of long-term sustainable policies, discontinuity, adhocry, and corruption firmed on personal greed, avarice, incompetence, lack of knowledge and understanding, and lack of patriotism.

“For instance, the statement and proposed actions given forty-five years ago to stop fuel scarcity is the same statement and action being touted today. I recall when I made the statement that the refineries would not work, the sycophants and spin doctors of this current administration went out to castigate me as not being a petroleum engineer and that I did not know what I was talking about.

“They forgot that the attempt that was made in 2007 to partly privatise the refineries was made by me after a thorough study of the situation. But the decision was reversed by my successor and the 750 million dollars paid was refunded.”

On a way out, the former President said the country needed “a 25-year socio-economic development agenda that will be generally agreed to, by the nation of all political parties and passed into law by the National Assembly with State Assembly aspects also passed into law by the State Houses of Assembly. We take up the implementation on a five-year basis. In reality, that plan will have the effect of almost a Constitution. The first priority in the implementation will be education for all.”

On the security, he said, “We need a stick-and-carrot approach. Stick to deal with those who cannot be weaned out of criminality and evil deeds and for those weaned, they should be rehabilitated.

“There should be no Nigerian without being in school compulsorily for eleven years – secondary education level.

“Employment must be a right for all Nigerians from age 18 years to 65 years.

“With such a carrot in position, the stick must then be made more severe for criminals. Five years must be set out to ensure that every Nigerian child that is not in school is in school and no one is left out of popular education”.


UAE To Lift Visa Ban On Nigerians Soon — Federal Government



Nigeria’s minister of aviation and aerospace development, Festus Keyamo, says the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will soon lift the visa restriction on Nigerian travellers.

Keyamo made this known on Saturday during an interview with the State House media.

He said the country has observed all protocols to facilitate the visa ban reversal.

“We have done everything. We have resolved everything. Just wait for the announcement from the UAE government, and that announcement is imminent,” Keyamo said.

“They would announce. I want to give it to them to announce the date.”

Speaking further, the minister said he is privy to the date when the travel restriction will be officially lifted, but would wait for the official announcement.

UAE and Nigeria have been engaging in a diplomatic row over flight allocations since 2021.

On December 13, 2021, UAE issued a travel restriction on passengers from Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo, citing a surge in the countries’ COVID-19 cases from passengers of the two African nations.

However, it was reported the travel ban might not be unconnected with the diplomatic row between Nigeria and UAE over Air Peace’s flight frequency to the Arab country.

On March 5, the presidency shared a document announcing the restriction has been lifted, however, Bayo Onanuga, special adviser on information and strategy to President Bola Tinubu, clarified the document was not authorised by the Nigerian and UAE governments.

Also, on May 23, the federal government said the UAE visa ban on Nigerians has been resolved and an announcement is imminent.

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Ogun Home Lesson Teacher In Police Net For Defiling 13-Yr-Old Girl



The Ogun State Police Command has arrested Femi Onayemi, for defiling a 13-year-old girl in the Obada-Oko area of the state.

Report has it that the suspect had earlier been hired by the girl’s parents to tutor her at their home in the community in 2023.

It was gathered that the survivor’s parents were shocked when the suspect scaled the fence of their home to gain access to the 13-year-old’s room and commit the heinous crime.

The spokesperson for the state command, Omolola Odutola, confirmed the incident and stated that Onayemi had been arrested.

She said, “The parents of the minor approached our division at Obada Oko on June 12, 2024, to report the incident. The suspect was employed in 2023 to help the survivor with her studies at home.

“However, on June 9, 2024, the suspect was caught committing the crime after he had jumped over the fence of the house. Our men swung into action immediately after the matter was reported.

“The suspect was also believed to be attending the same church that the survivor attends every Sunday. He confessed to the crime after we arrested him.”

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63-Yr-Old US Woman Wrongly Convicted Of Murder Freed After 43 Years In Prison



Sandra “Sandy” Hemme, a 63-year-old Missouri woman, who was imprisoned for more than 40 years for murder, has had her conviction overturned after spending 43 years in prison for a murder she did not commit.

According to The Guardian on Sunday, Hemme was convicted in 1985 based on her incriminating statements, made while she was a psychiatric patient.

However, a judge has now ruled that there is “clear and convincing” evidence that she was innocent of the crime.

Hemme, now 63, was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1980 murder of a library worker, Patricia Jeschke, in St Joseph, Missouri, after Hemme made statements to the police incriminating herself while she was a psychiatric patient.

Livingston County Circuit Judge Ryan Horsman on Friday ruled that “evidence directly” ties the murder of Jeschke to a local police officer who later went to prison for another crime and has since died.

The judge said that Hemme who has spent the last 43 years behind bars, must be freed within 30 days unless prosecutors decide to re-try her.

The judge’s decision followed a January hearing where Hemme’s legal team presented evidence linking the murder to Michael Holman, a former local police officer who has since passed away.

Hemme’s conviction was the longest-known wrongful conviction of a woman in US history.

Her legal team, with the Innocence Project, argued that authorities ignored Hemme’s contradictory statements and failed to disclose evidence that would have helped her defence.

Her attorneys in a statement said, “We are grateful to the Court for acknowledging the grave injustice Ms Hemme has endured for more than four decades.”

Hemme initially pleaded guilty to capital murder to avoid the death penalty, but her conviction was later overturned on appeal.

She was retried in 1985, with the only evidence against her being her contradictory and factually impossible “confession” made while she was a psychiatric patient.

In a 147-page petition, her attorneys seeking her exoneration argued that authorities had ignored these inconsistencies.

At the time, 20-year-old Hemme was undergoing treatment for auditory hallucinations, de-realization, and drug use. Her attorneys noted that she had a history of inpatient psychiatric care, having spent most of her life in treatment since the age of 12.

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