The human race has lost its sense of sight in a dystopian future, and civilization has had to develop new methods to socialize, create, hunt, and...
During the 1960s, a gangster named Bumpy Johnson makes his way through Harlem. A TV prequel to the 2007 film “American Gangster,” which focused on Frank...
On a tropical vacation, a group of families discovers that the quiet beach where they are living is causing them to age rapidly, compressing their entire...
A civil war develops in the fictional medieval nation of Westeros over rulership between various noble households. Meanwhile, across the sea, the daughter of the kingdom’s...
A gang of criminals who are charged with stealing buildings by occupying them on behalf of an unnamed boss known only as the Professor. Episode 1...
During a horrific day of disclosures – and reckonings – a distraught police investigator reassigned to 911 operator duty scrambles to help a distressed caller. DOWNLOAD
After a chance encounter with an old-timer exposes Anthony to the true tale behind Candyman, he unwittingly opens a door to a complex past that unravels...
The story sets around Alex, a boy obsessed with scary stories, is trapped by a witch in her modern, magical New York City apartment. His original...
Nigerian musician and actor Folarin Falana popularly known as Falz is set to take up a new role in Hollywood Drama Series, “Church” The award-winning actor...