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Praises, Prayers For Razaq Ajala As About 5,000 Lagosians Storm Ilupeju To Buy Subsidized Food Items [PHOTOS]



The Ilupeju secretariat of Odiolowo/Ojuwoye Local Council Development was a beehive of activities on Saturday, 8 June, 2024 as residents stormed the secretariat to buy subsidized food items procured by the Rasak Ajala led administration.

As early as 7am, the secretariat was packed full of people from all parts of the state who came to buy the food items.

According to the Council Chairman, Honourable Razaq Olusola Ajala, the essential but common food items were being on sale on 50 percent discount from their current market value.

Items offered for sale at 50 percent reduced price are: garri, rice, pepper, onion, bread, and egg.

For instance, biggest-size loaf of bread sold at N1,200 outside was sold for N500 while a crate of egg went for N2,000 against more than N4,000 outside. A colour paint of garri was sold for N2,000 while same is N4,000 in the market.

The Council Chairman, Honourable Ajala; his Vice, Honourable Seyi Jakande; the Council Manager, Mrs Otenaike; and council officials were on ground to make the event a seamless exercise.

In spite of the huge crowd of people, there was a seamless arrangement where intended buyers collect a ticket which would allow them to proceed to the paying counters manned by council staff and pay for their desired food items, from where they are issued receipts which are taken to the food items points to collect their purchased items.

Ajala said “Our intention is to subsidized the cost of essential but common food items for our people,”

According to him, his administration made provision for more than 5,000 residents hence there is no need for shoving and pushing by residents.

“Just be orderly, collect your ticket, pay for your goods and leave to create space for others. There is no cause for alarm, we have made provision for a high number of people. The number of people here cannot exhaust what we have provided for,” he told the residents when he addressed them at the commencement of the programme.

Mrs Adeola Adesida, who said she came all the way from Surulere, told our correspondent that she came as early as 6am and that she was this, one of the first to be attended to.

“I came all the way from Surulere, I came early hence I was one of the first to be attended to. It was seamless and without discrimination. I must appreciate Honourable Ajala for this gesture. This is unprecedented. No discrimination whatsoever. Just get your ticket, pay for your goods, collect your receipt and proceed to the selling points to collect your purchases,” she said.

Most of those who spoke with our correspondent expressed appreciation to the Odiolowo/Ojuwoye LCDA boss for putting up the programme noting that he has always been committed to the welfare of the people.

Over 4,601 residents from across the state benefitted from the programme.


National Assembly Approves President Tinubu’s Request To Extend 2023 Budget Implementation



The national assembly has passed the bills seeking the extension of the capital component of the 2023 budget and the Supplementary Appropriation Act.

The federal lawmakers granted an extension from June to December, following a request by President Bola Tinubu.

The senate and house of representatives passed the bills on Thursday after considering their clauses at the committee on supply.

The passage was preceded by a rowdy session at the house of representatives.

The president, in a letter read by Tajudeen Abbas, speaker of the house, asked the green chamber to extend the implementation of the capital components of the 2023 budget and Supplementary Appropriation Act from June 30 to December 31.

After Abbas read the letter, some lawmakers opposed the call for the debate of the president’s request.

Julius Ihonvbere, majority leader of the house, moved for the debate of the bill, saying the amendment does not alter the content of the bill but just the date.

Kingsley Chinda, minority leader of the house, expressed concern that the two budgets are running concurrently.

He said the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) administration was criticised for lacking a clear budgetary cycle, adding that the current administration is potentially repeating the mistake.

The ranking legislator demanded that the bill be stepped down to enable the government to “go back to the drawing board”.

Sada Soli, an All Progressives Congress (APC) lawmaker from Katsina, opposed Chinda, saying the PDP lawmaker was “playing to the gallery”.

“I admire the PDP for playing to the gallery. You cannot extend the supplementary budget without the main budget,” he said.

His comment prompted vocal protests from the lawmakers.

Reacting, Ado Doguwa, a ranking APC member from Katsina, said: “I agree with the submission made by the minority of the house.

“Even though it is legal, it is unprecedented. That moral question will always be raised.”

He, however, appealed to his colleagues to support the bill, saying the president would understand the body language of the lawmakers.

Following the bickering, the lawmakers moved into an executive session.

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GWR: Nigeria’s Chidinma Okafor Becomes New Record Holder For Longest Crocheting Marathon



Chidinma Modupe Okafor, a Nigerian woman, has been certified by the Guinness World Records (GWR) as the new record holder for the longest crocheting marathon

The British reference book, in a publication, revealed that Chidinma crotched a white dinner gown for 72 hours.

This feat broke the previous record of 34 hours and 7 minutes which was set by Alessandra Hayden of the United States in 2021.

GWR said Chidinma had to crochet continuously for the entirety of the attempt to successfully achieve the record.

This means that once she finished a ball of yarn, she had to immediately move on to the next.

Speaking on her new feat, Chidinma said that she aimed to “showcase the artistry and perseverance” in the craft.

The crocheter also spoke about her preparations towards attempting the crocheting marathon.

She added that it involved “rigorous training and mental conditioning”.

“I aim to showcase the artistry and perseverance involved in this craft and promote awareness about crocheting and its benefits,” she said

“My preparation for the record attempt involved rigorous training and mental conditioning. It also required physical endurance and strategizing to maintain a consistent pace while minimizing fatigue.

“Additionally, logistics such as arranging for sufficient yarn with support staff were crucial for the uninterrupted progress of the attempt.”

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Minimum Wage: Better Pay Coming, Governors Assure Labour, Nigerians



Nigerians and organised labour have been reassured by the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) that further discussions will lead to an improved minimum wage.

The governors had earlier objected to the N62,000 proposal from the federal government, claiming that some states would have to take out loans in order to pay salaries. Notwithstanding this, organised labour still demands a salary of N250,000.

Following the Federal Executive Council’s decision to postpone Tuesday’s minimum wage discussion so that President Bola Tinubu could undertake more extensive discussions, the governors decided to call an emergency meeting.

The Forum addressed a number of national concerns, according to a communiqué signed by NGF interim Director of Media Ahmed Salihu and made public following an emergency meeting that lasted into the wee hours of Thursday.

The communiqué indicated that the forum discussed the new national minimum wage and agreed to continue engaging with key stakeholders to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

It read, “The Forum received a presentation from the Minister of Women Affairs on the World Bank-Nigeria for Women Project Scale-Up, along with other activities of the ministry. Members noted the importance of the project and emphasized the need to implement it at the state level as initially conceived, as the states are the primary obligors of the project.

“The governors acknowledge the work and contributions of the Ministry of Women Affairs in promoting gender equality, empowering women, and advancing social development across Nigeria.

“The Forum discussed the new National Minimum Wage. The governors agreed to continue engaging with key stakeholders to reach a mutually agreeable solution. We remain dedicated to the process and assure that better wages will result from the ongoing negotiations.”

The 36 state governors highlighted the significance of the World Bank-Nigeria for Women Project Scale-Up and stressed the necessity of implementing it at the state level as originally intended, given that the states are the primary entities responsible for the project.

The communique added ” We, members of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF), at our meeting held today, deliberated on issues affecting the country.

“Members received the Acting Country Director of the World Bank, Mr. Taimur Samad, and his team to discuss the bank’s various programmes currently being implemented in the states, including HOPE Series of Projects: Nigeria Human Capital Opportunities for Prosperity and Equality, Food and Nutrition Security, NFWP-SU: Nigeria For Women Project Scale Up, NG-CARES: Nigeria Community Action (for) Resilience and Economic Stimulus Programme SABER: State Action on Business Enabling Reforms Program, SPIN: Sustainable Power and Irrigation for Nigeria Project.

“Members expressed willingness to continue to provide the much-needed support to ensure programme effectiveness across the country.

“Members received a briefing from Mr. Taiwo Oyedele, Chairman of the Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee. He highlighted the progress made regarding the ongoing Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms. He sought the input and support of their excellencies on a number of proposals which would directly impact the subnational level of government.

“Members pledged their support for the Committee to ensure the successful implementation of these reforms and to collaborate closely to address any challenges that may arise.”

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