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Ogun Home Lesson Teacher In Police Net For Defiling 13-Yr-Old Girl



The Ogun State Police Command has arrested Femi Onayemi, for defiling a 13-year-old girl in the Obada-Oko area of the state.

Report has it that the suspect had earlier been hired by the girl’s parents to tutor her at their home in the community in 2023.

It was gathered that the survivor’s parents were shocked when the suspect scaled the fence of their home to gain access to the 13-year-old’s room and commit the heinous crime.

The spokesperson for the state command, Omolola Odutola, confirmed the incident and stated that Onayemi had been arrested.

She said, “The parents of the minor approached our division at Obada Oko on June 12, 2024, to report the incident. The suspect was employed in 2023 to help the survivor with her studies at home.

“However, on June 9, 2024, the suspect was caught committing the crime after he had jumped over the fence of the house. Our men swung into action immediately after the matter was reported.

“The suspect was also believed to be attending the same church that the survivor attends every Sunday. He confessed to the crime after we arrested him.”


Sanwo-Olu To Be Decorated As Omo Eko Pataki



Lagos Sate Governor, Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu will on Thursday, July 18, 2024 be decorated as Omo Eko Pataki, being the high point of the maiden edition of Eko Mi Award 2024. The hardworking and forward-thinking governor will be decorated by some of the revered custodians of the heritage and culture of Lagos at the Sheraton Hotel and Tower, Ikeja, Lagos.

According to the organizers of the awards, Eko Mi Awards is going to be an annual event where individuals, groups, organizations and government agencies/parastatals that have contributed to the economic, social and culturally development of the state will be recognized and awarded and the most prestigious category of the award, annually is going to be the decoration of one outstanding individual as the Omo Eko Pataki. The decoration, which will be done by adorning the individual an Aga, the traditional Eyo cap will be performed by the Oba of Lagos, His Royal Majesty, Oba Rilwan Akiolu.

The organizers further stated that the choice of Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu as the winner of the Omo Eko Pataki award at the maiden edition of Eko Mi Awards is informed by the outstanding performance of the governor since his assumption of office in 2019. The footprint of Governor Sanwo-Olu can be felt across the state, especially through the THEMES agenda of his administration that has seen the state seen continued developments in the areas of education, health, housing, education, infrastructure and the environment.

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JUST IN: Six Teenage Students Drown In Kaduna River After Writing Junior WAEC



Six teenagers drowned in the Mbang river on Tuesday in Ribang (Mbang) village, Kauru Local Government Area, Kaduna State, while returning from a Junior WAEC exam at about 5:30 p.m.

The victims were identified as Manasseh Monday (16 years old), Musa John (16 years old), Pius David (15 years old), Monday Ayuba (16 years old), David Danlami (19 years old), and Yahuza Audu (16 years old).

According to The Punch, the National Public Relations Officer of Ribang Development Association, Pastor Simon Ishaku, who confirmed the incident on Wednesday, disclosed that three dead bodies have already been recovered and buried amidst tears.

He explained that, as of now, there are still three missing as locals have not been able to recover them out of the river.

“The school children left their homes full of hope and excitement while their parents went to the farm with the hope of reuniting with them after writing their papers of the day, only to meet their untimely death.

“The Mbang river has been a death trap for our people over the years, noting before the community can access any school or any hospital facility they’ve to travel for about 8 kilometres.

“We’re calling on the Federal Government, Governor Uba Sani, Senator Sunday Katung and our House of Representative members as a matter of urgency, to kindly assist us with school, hospital, access road and bridge in order to bring succour to our community,” Simon appealed.

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STUDENT LOAN: NELFUND Postpones Application For State Universities Over “Low Data Submissions”



The Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) management, on Tuesday, announced a 14-day postponement of the application process for student loans for state institutions.

This development was due to “low data submissions,” according to a statement by the agency in Abuja.

NELFUND said the decision was necessitated by the failure of several state-owned institutions to upload the required student data and fee information to its Student Verification System.

“To date, only a limited number of state-owned institutions have successfully completed the data submission process. These include 20 state universities out of 48; 12 state colleges out of 54 and two state polytechnics out of 49.

“While we acknowledge the efforts of these institutions, the failure to submit data from the remaining state institutions poses significant challenges to ensuring a seamless and accurate verification process for student loan applicants.

“The application window, initially set to open on June 25, 2024, will now commence on July 10, 2024,” the statement read.

The NELFUND said the extension would provide additional time for state institutions to comply with the data submission requirements and ensure their students benefitted from the Federal Government’s student loan scheme.

To facilitate an efficient and error-free application process, the Fund said all state institutions needed to provide complete and accurate information.

The information required included the Joint Admissions Matriculation Board numbers, matriculation numbers, admission numbers, full names, level, faculties and departments, duration of programme, fees and gender of all eligible students.

It said incomplete or incorrect data submissions would result in application delays and potential disqualification for affected students.

The fund urged all state institutions to expedite their data submission processes and ensure the accuracy of the information provided.

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