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“JAPA”: Nigeria Has Highest International Students’ Dependents In Last 4 Years — UK



The United Kingdom said Nigeria has the highest number of dependents brought in by international students in the last four years.

According to a recent UK government data, the number of Nigerian dependents increased to 60,506 by the end of September 2023, up from 1,427 in 2019.

Nigeria surpassed India, with 43,445 dependents at the end of the third quarter of this year, compared to 2,127 in 2019.

“Part of the increase in dependents is linked to the increase in main applicants (see Section 1) but there have also been large increases in dependents of Indian and Nigerian nationals,” the UK said.

“There were 60,506 dependents of Nigerian nationals in the year ending September 2023, an increase of 59,079 compared to 2019 and 9,435 more visas issued than to main applicants in the same period.

“Indian nationals had the second highest number of dependents, increasing from 2,127 to 43,445 in the same time period.”

The UK said both the total number of dependents and the proportion of all sponsored study-related visas granted to dependents have increased since 2019.

“This may reflect a change in the composition of students coming to study in the UK with more students coming for higher education compared to before the pandemic,” the UK said.

The UK government said students coming to study at a higher level are typically older and might be more likely to have already established a family.

  • Nigeria Has Third Highest International Students In UK

The report also said 486,107 persons from India, China, Nigeria, the United States and Pakistan migrated to the UK for study purposes at the end of September 2023.

Among these five countries, India topped the list, followed by China, Nigeria, Pakistan and the United States respectively.

However, out of the countries, Pakistan had the highest percentage increase, of up to 33 percent to 33,150 at the end of September 2023.

“Indian nationals in the year ending September 2023, a small increase of 5,804 (+5%) compared to the year ending September 2022 but their numbers are now nearly 5 times higher than in the year ending September 2019,” the report said.

“Indian nationals accounted for over one-quarter (27%) of all sponsored study grants to main applicants in the latest year.”

“Chinese nationals were the second most common nationality granted sponsored study visas in year ending September 2023, with 108,978 visas granted (22% of the total).

“Grants to Chinese nationals decreased by 7% compared to the preceding year. Chinese and Indian nationals together comprised half (50%) of all sponsored study grants.

“Nigerian nationals were issued 51,071 sponsored study visas in the year ending September 2023, similar to the previous year but around 8 times the number in the year ending September 2019.”

Meanwhile, in May 2023, UK announced restrictions barring foreign students from bringing family members into the country from 2024.

The move followed reports that net migration into the UK had hit 1 million with Tory MPs asking Rishi Sunak, UK prime minister to get a grip on the rocketing numbers.


Lagos Government Partners Netherlands Backed Coy On E-Waste Smelter Plant Establishment [PHOTOS]



The Lagos State Government on Friday took another gigantic to managing the vast deposit of electronic waste in the state with the signing of a  Letter of Intent with a company from the Netherlands for the establishment of a smelter plant in Lagos.

Speaking during the signing programme at Alausa, Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources,  Tokunbo Wahab who signed on behalf of the State said it is about the economy of Lagos and improving it.

He added that when the smelter plant comes on stream, it would create new jobs and also create a new economy through conversion of e-waste into valuable products.

Wahab stated that the presence of the Consul General of the Netherlands affirms a vote of confidence on the company “Close the Loop BV” about its capabilities.

He described  Electronic waste as a  major waste that people usually don’t talk  about but with the latest step taken by Lagos, it is far ahead of some states and countries in the Sub region in terms of taking care of electronic waste and converting them to wealth.

He explained that many people do not have the proper awareness on how to dispose either the electronic products or the waste from e-products so the risk  pollution becomes more manifest.

He added that the improper management of e-waste can affect the environment badly saying in most cases the e-waste ended up on the landfills, incinerated and eventually exported to the developing countries for recycling.

“Before now, what usually happens to our electronic waste? Government put them together, ship them out, reconvert them to value, bring them in to sell to the people again” he said.

He stated that Lagos generates 13 thousand tons of waste daily, one third goes to waste to wealth, another one third to electronic waste and last part goes to energy.

According to him, residents must take ownership of the infrastructure in their enviroment. “Don’t   dispose waste into the drainage system. You are the ones paying the tax, so the government provide infrastructure from the taxes you pay. As a good citizens you must always say something when the arises”.

The Special Adviser on Environment, Mr. Rotimi Akodu while speaking said the Lagos team is ready to collaborate and see that things are sorted the way it should be adding that “Close the Loop BV” officials seemed poised for the job at hand.

“We have a lot of waste in place that we don’t know what to do with them, but now is the time. We just worked on the conversion of waste to wealth. We just signed the conversion of waste to energy and now we are taking care of our electronic waste. Am sure that no state imagined that it is possible. It is something we welcome and ready to partner you” he said.

Netherlands Consul General in Nigeria Mr. Michel Deleen noted that it has been observed that Lagos Government is very pro – active in all its endeavours citing the example of the heavy rainfall experienced few days ago and the flash flood that accompanied it disappeared after a few hours of the rains stopping.

“The truth is most Developed countries with infrastructure in place still experience flash flood when it rains incessantly “he said

He emphasized that the Netherlands government is set to collaborate with Lagos  to turn waste into value and extract valuable wastes as well adding that this is the begining of that stage and signing of the LOI  is very impotant because it is a global issue.

Also speaking,  the President Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, Ingrid Thijssen expressed delight at the partnership, saying it will benefit both parties tremendously. #GreaterLagos

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Lagos Police Foil Kidnap Attempt In Mushin [VIDEO]



Officers from the Lagos Police Command, on Thursday night, successfully thwarted a kidnapping attempt on Oloje Street in the Papa Ajao area of Mushin.

During a shootout with the kidnappers, the police reportedly killed six out of the seven suspects, preventing them from carrying out their intended crime.

Sharing a video, X (formerly known as Twitter) user @eonsintelligenc wrote: “Last night, operatives of the Lagos State Police Command (#LagosPoliceNG) successfully foiled a kidnapping attempt on Oloje Street, Papa Ajao, Mushin, Lagos State. The kidnappers exchanged gunfire with the police, who reportedly eliminated 6 out of the 7 kidnappers.”

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President Tinubu Injects N2trn To Stimulate Economy



Nigeria’s President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has approved the injection of N2 trillion into the economy to stimulate it.

Wale Edun, the Finance Minister and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, says Tinubu gave the approval on Thursday while unveiling an accelerated stabilisation and advancement plan.

He unveiled the plan while inaugurating the Presidential Economic Coordination Council (PECC) at the State House in Abuja, three months after the formation of a 30-member committee aimed at revitalizing the economy in the short term.

“The sum of that very important exercise is a N2 trillion package involving N350 billion funding for health and social welfare, N500 billion funding for agriculture and food security, N500 billion for the energy and power sector and general business support of about N650 billion,” the minister briefed journalist after the meeting.

“They (PECC members) were presented with the outcomes of Mr. President’s review of the accelerated stabilisation and advancement plan.

“It is an emergency plan to cover the next six months, which Mr. President had directed his economic team, the sub-nationals, and the private sector to put together for his consideration.

“In addition to a range of policy and tax measures, there is a range of executive orders which Mr. President has signed and which are being gazetted to ease the cost of doing business. There are a number of funding which will reduce the cost of interest rates for certain sectors, small and medium scale in particular, but also larger companies.”

The move is coming when the Nigerian economy is facing serious challenges and inflation figures have reached new highs after the removal of fuel subsidy and the floating of the naira.

Labour unions are demanding improved wages, arguing that the cost of living hit new levels.

But Tinubu’s government has repeatedly called for patience and assured Nigerians that its reforms will yield dividends soonest.

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