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How Former EFCC Chairman Ibrahim Lamorde Died In Egyptian Hospital While Undergoing Surgery



Former Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Lamorde, passed away in an Egyptian hospital after surgery to remove a kidney stone.

The 61-year-old former EFCC chairman passed away on Saturday.

Lamorde’s death, according to a source at the anti-graft commission, was an ironic twist of fate because it happened as he was taking his wife to Egypt for medical attention.

The source said: “He actually took his wife to Egypt for medical attention when he decided to remove a kidney stone which had caused him some discomfort.

“He, however, died in the process of the procedure to remove the stone.

“His body will be brought to Nigeria on Monday for Janazza (Islamic burial rites). I think the Federal Government is assisting in the formalities to bring back his remains.”

The late Lamorde was born on December 20, 1962 at Mubi in Adamawa State.

He attended Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) in Zaria, Kaduna State, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology in 1984.

He joined the Nigerian Police Force in 1986 and became the substantive EFCC Chairman on February 15, 2012.

The late Lamorde was replaced by ex-President Muhammadu Buhari with AIG Ibrahim Magu (retd.) on November 9, 2015.

Also, the EFCC has described Lamorde’s death as a shock, saying its former chairman was a “focused and a gallant anti- graft fighter”.

In a statement by its Head of Media and Publicity, Mr. Dele Oyewale, the anti-graft agency said: “Lamorde, the pioneer Director of Operations and the third substantive chairman of the EFCC between February 15, 2012 and November 9, 2015, served the nation actively as a focused and a gallant anti-graft fighter.

“He will be sorely missed both at the EFCC and the nation at large.”

Also, the Chairman of the Police Service Commission (PSC), Dr. Solomon Arase, described the late Lamorde as a bright and consummate intelligence officer.

A statement yesterday in Abuja by PSC’s Head of Press and Public Relations, Mr. Ikechukwu Ani, said Arase noted that the nation has lost one of its bright intelligence officers who contributed immensely to the growth of intelligence policing in the country.

He lauded Lamorde’s humility and temperate disposition to the allure of power.

“At no time did power get into the head of the late officer who remained humble and committed throughout his career,” Arase said.

Also, the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) mourned the retired Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG).

Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Kayode Egbetokun conveyed the sadness of the officers and men of the NPF over Lamorde’s passing in a statement yesterday in Abuja by Force Public Relations Officer (FPRO) Olumuyiwa Adejobi, an Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP).

He lauded Lamorde’s unyielding commitment to justice and professional policing.

Also, a lawyer, Wahab Shittu (SAN), described the late Lamorde as a man who matched his action with few words.

“The departed was the ‘engine box’ who spoke sparingly but was polite, effective and efficient. Warm, unassuming and accessible, Lamorde worked seamlessly with Ribadu as if both were Siamese twins,” Shittu said.


Olota Of Otta Advocates Cultural Preservation During European Tour, Visits Nigerian Embassy In Rome, Italy [PHOTOS]



In continuation of the ongoing Europe Tour, His Majesty, Olota of the Paramount and Ancient Ottaland, Awori Kingdom, Professor Adeyemi Obalanlege Ph.D, MCIPR, MPRII, FHEA (Lanlege Ekun II, Arole Iganmode) was warmly received at the Nigerian Embassy in Rome by a dedicated team led by Her Excellency, Amb. Gwendy OMIJEH, the Charge d’Affairs, along with key officials including M.M. LAWAL, H. KWACHE-ADAMS, G. W. GABKWET, A.O. AHANONU, M.N. TONY-BISONG, and N.J. RIBI.

Welcoming His Majesty, Mrs Gwendy OMIJEH commended Kabiyesi Olota for the diplomatic visit, and for the efforts in promoting culture and traditions. She described the tour “thoughtful”, as it will further integrate subjects living in Rome with their homeland.

During the diplomatic visit to Rome, Italy, His Majesty highlighted the importance of preserving the rich cultural heritage of the Awori people. Kabiyesi emphasized the significance of remembering one’s roots and encouraged his subjects to maintain strong ties with their homeland. He urged them to embrace their cultural identity, visit their ancestral land frequently, and actively promote and preserve the rich Awori Cultural Heritage.

Kabiyesi’s message resonates deeply in an era marked by rapid globalization and cultural homogenization. As traditional values and customs face the pressures of modernization, the Olota’s call for cultural preservation serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of heritage and identity.

As the Olota’s message reverberates beyond the confines of the embassy walls, it serves as a beacon of cultural resilience and a call to action for all to cherish, celebrate, and preserve the diverse cultural tapestry that enriches our world.

In his Majesty’s delegation; Alayeluwa Oba Adewunmi Adeniji Odutala (Onibudo of Ayetoro Itele Otta, Awori Kingdom), Chief Olusegun Johnson (Otunba of Otta, Awori Kingdom), Chief Okikiolu Fadayiro (Baamolu of Otta, Awori Kingdom), Prince Adewale Adeyanju (Culture and Tourism Consultant to His Majesty), Prince Adeyemi Sulaimon Olusesi (Principal Secretary to His Majesty & Omotobase of Otta, Awori Kingdom), and many others.

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Sanwo-Olu To Be Decorated As Omo Eko Pataki



Lagos Sate Governor, Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu will on Thursday, July 18, 2024 be decorated as Omo Eko Pataki, being the high point of the maiden edition of Eko Mi Award 2024. The hardworking and forward-thinking governor will be decorated by some of the revered custodians of the heritage and culture of Lagos at the Sheraton Hotel and Tower, Ikeja, Lagos.

According to the organizers of the awards, Eko Mi Awards is going to be an annual event where individuals, groups, organizations and government agencies/parastatals that have contributed to the economic, social and culturally development of the state will be recognized and awarded and the most prestigious category of the award, annually is going to be the decoration of one outstanding individual as the Omo Eko Pataki. The decoration, which will be done by adorning the individual an Aga, the traditional Eyo cap will be performed by the Oba of Lagos, His Royal Majesty, Oba Rilwan Akiolu.

The organizers further stated that the choice of Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu as the winner of the Omo Eko Pataki award at the maiden edition of Eko Mi Awards is informed by the outstanding performance of the governor since his assumption of office in 2019. The footprint of Governor Sanwo-Olu can be felt across the state, especially through the THEMES agenda of his administration that has seen the state seen continued developments in the areas of education, health, housing, education, infrastructure and the environment.

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JUST IN: Six Teenage Students Drown In Kaduna River After Writing Junior WAEC



Six teenagers drowned in the Mbang river on Tuesday in Ribang (Mbang) village, Kauru Local Government Area, Kaduna State, while returning from a Junior WAEC exam at about 5:30 p.m.

The victims were identified as Manasseh Monday (16 years old), Musa John (16 years old), Pius David (15 years old), Monday Ayuba (16 years old), David Danlami (19 years old), and Yahuza Audu (16 years old).

According to The Punch, the National Public Relations Officer of Ribang Development Association, Pastor Simon Ishaku, who confirmed the incident on Wednesday, disclosed that three dead bodies have already been recovered and buried amidst tears.

He explained that, as of now, there are still three missing as locals have not been able to recover them out of the river.

“The school children left their homes full of hope and excitement while their parents went to the farm with the hope of reuniting with them after writing their papers of the day, only to meet their untimely death.

“The Mbang river has been a death trap for our people over the years, noting before the community can access any school or any hospital facility they’ve to travel for about 8 kilometres.

“We’re calling on the Federal Government, Governor Uba Sani, Senator Sunday Katung and our House of Representative members as a matter of urgency, to kindly assist us with school, hospital, access road and bridge in order to bring succour to our community,” Simon appealed.

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