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The activities of Nigerians on the social media are now being monitored for hate speech, anti-government and anti-security information by the military.

Director of Defence Information, Major-General John Enenche, told Channels Television that the move became necessary in the light of troubling activities and misinformation capable of jeopardizing the unity of the country.

His comments come less than 48 hours after President Muhammadu Buhari said in his national broadcast that some of the discussion on social media in his absence crossed the line and left him distressed.

For Major General Enenche, the social media has always been a challenge all over the world and for the military, it is no different.

“It is a double-edged sword and we are also having a bit of it,” he said when he appeared on Channels Television’s News At 10, hours after President Buhari met with service chiefs and ordered them to strengthen their operations.

“Imagine when the President came back and addressed the nation, not up to 30 minutes later, a fake speech of the Commander-In-Chief was being circulated in order to do what? To derail the people. If you are not very sharp and if you didn’t listen to the speech or you don’t have a copy of it like I had it almost immediately, you wouldn’t know. So, looking at it from that perspective, it is a challenge everywhere.”

Having observed the possibility that the social media can be misused the military has taken steps to address that. One of such steps is the establishment of strategic media centres.

“What are we doing? In the military, we are now taking on it more seriously than ever. We have our strategic media centres that monitor the social media to be able to sieve out and react to all the ones that will be anti-government, be anti-military, (and) be anti-security,” the military chief continued.

“We tackle them appropriately with appropriate responses. Ahead of that, we are also proactive. We have measures in place, scientific measures to be able to sieve this information and also to get the public and let them know that some of this information they are getting is not genuine are not true and their objective is an anti-corporate existence of this country.”

There has been a rise in attacks by Boko Haram terrorists and it is one of the things the President advised the service chiefs to check. While the military intends to do just that, Major General Enenche said what they terrorists are doing is not surprising.

He said, “Like I have said before, it is not unexpected being that they have been degraded, decimated and really busted at camp zero and other cities there through the air bombardment and raids by members of the military, particularly the army. So you will see them spreading out like ants that have been busted from an anthill.”

According to him, the terrorists have benefitted in their attacks from the unending collaboration by insiders and sympathisers among the residents in the North East.

“However, I want to assure the general public and Nigerians that measures are in place to begin to take on them and begin to take them out. However highly placed anyone is or any insider or collaborator is, we are on top of the situation and we are beginning to get our information to begin to handle them appropriately,” he said.


Niger Governor Umaru Bago Calls For Probe Of N90b Hajj Subsidy



Umaru Bago, the executive Governor of Niger State, yesterday called for the review of activities of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON).

  1. Bago, who called for the probe of the N90 billion subsidy paid by the Federal government for the Hajj operations, promised to lead a committee of governors to meet relevant authorities to champion the review of the commission.

According to statement by Bago’s Chief Press Secretary (CPS), Bologi Ibrahim, in Minna, the governor made the call in a chat with reporters in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, wher he assessed this year’s Hajj operation.

He expressed concern that rather than exert its energies on playing regulatory roles, NAHCON turned itself to an operator of Hajj activities.

Recounting the hitches pilgrims encountered, the described the 2024 Hajj exercise as a failure and suggested that Hajj operation should be private sector-driven for effective and efficient service delivery.

The statement quoted Bago as saying: “Let the private sector drive Hajj operations, NAHCON should be a regulator at the centre.

“I am leading a committee of governors to the Nigeria Governor’s Forum (NGF), from there we go to the NEC (National Economic Council).

“I will propose this motion and we will send a Bill to the National Assembly where this issue of NAHCON would be reviewed.

“NAHCON is not helping matters, our Federal Government is too big to be worried about Hajj operations, these are supposed to be local government issues and not even states’”, Bago said.

The governor said that the state governments should be able to organise pilgrimage and engage agents from the private as it is done in other countries.

He called for the probe of N90 billion subsidy paid by the Federal government for the Hajj operations.

The governor described as unfortunate that some states, including Niger, still paid some billions for the pilgrimage, in spite of the subsidy.

He alleged that the pilgrims, who paid N8 million each, were given only $400 (each) to take care of themselves for about 40 days.

According to him, the N90 billion subsidy would have made more impact if routed through the states.

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BREAKING: Lagos Records 29 Deaths, 579 Suspected Cases In Cholera Outbreak



The Lagos State Ministry of Health has reported 29 deaths and 579 cases since the cholera outbreak began two weeks ago.

The Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Prof. Akin Abayomi, on Monday, explained that the death rate was due to patients being presented late at the hospital or brought in dead.

He added that no case had been reported in schools.

“For the past two weeks, we have recorded 29 deaths and 579 suspected cholera cases. The 29 deaths was caused by patients being presented late that we couldn’t resuscitate them.”

On June 11, 2024, Abayomi, in a statement, warned that the state had recorded an excess report of severe gastroenteritis cases.

Abayomi disclosed that cases of severe gastroenteritis have been reported in communities around Eti-Osa, Lagos Island, Ikorodu, and Kosofe Local Government Area of the state.


More to come…

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Police Counter Laide Bakare’s Harassment Claim, Says We Stopped You For Contravening Traffic Laws



The Lagos State Police Command, in response to actress Laide Bakare’s claims of harassment, said that she was pulled over for breaking the law by driving in the BRT lane.

Bakare caused a disturbance and would not comply, according to SP Benjamin Hundeyin, the command spokesperson, which resulted in her car being brought to the LAMATA office.

He made it clear that she was not subjected to physical violence or intimidation, and she paid the fee for her infraction before driving off with her receipt and car.

Hundeyin wrote on X: “You were stopped for contravening traffic laws by driving on the BRT lane.

“You chose to create a scene. You chose to remain out of your vehicle when it was being taken to the LAMATA office.

“And the officers were not going to succumb to your gimmick to hold them down at that spot.

“You paid the N70,000 fine for your offence into the government coffers. Not a finger was laid on you. You left with the receipt and your vehicle.”

This response contradicted Bakare’s initial claim that she was dragged out of her car and that her teenage daughter was left inside alone.

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