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Nigerian-born Pastor Who Oversees Europe’s 3rd Largest Church Confesses To Having Sex With 30 Female Members.



Sunday Adelaja

Founder and Senior Pastor of one of Europe’s largest churches, the Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday Adelaja, is now under fire after confessing to multiple affairs with several of his parishioners.

Adelaja, who boasts among his congregants former Mayor of Kiev, Leonid Chernovetsky, is regarded as one of the most successful pastors in Europe with more than 25,000 members and 700 daughter churches in over 45 countries.

On the church’s website, he is pictured with a number of influential world leaders, pastors and entraprenuers such as former United States of America (USA) President, Bill Clinton, actor Mel Gibson, Richard Branson and Bishop T.D. Jakes.

After being dogged for months by rumors regarding his behavior, Adelaja finally confessed in March when a number of the female parishioners came forward and revealed the affairs to other area pastors. The pastors then made the revelations public, according to the Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith.

“At a meeting of pastors and board of elders of the Ukrainian church ‘God’s Embassy’ on 23 March in Kiev, the famous preacher Sunday Adelaja confessed that for a long time he lived in the sin of adultery and that he repented before the audience,” said a statement from the body.

Apostle Ulysses Tuff of The Way The Truth and The Life Christian Center in Decatur, Georgia, who was reportedly providing spiritual care for Adelaja and his church for several years, announced the influential preacher’s defrocking and removal from all forms of ministry “until restoration.”

Now the church is struggling with how to discipline and restore the man that started their movement despite defrocking him.

Anatoly Belonozhko, who insists he only learned of Adelaja’s failure last December, resigned as a bishop with the Embassy of God in March because he does not believe Adelaja wants to be helped.

“We, as a church elder, began to create new projects and exercises to heal and restore the church, a new structure, and of course, help to our pastor. But Pastor Sunday in writing categorically rejected our help … humiliating us and saying that we have no power to tell him what to do and how to do it and that he knows how and what to do,” he wrote in a translated statement.

Apostle Tuff also concluded in a statement released by the Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith that Adelaja was unrepentant and refuses to submit to spiritual and moral authority.

“During my meeting with Pastor Sunday and his wife (Pastor Bose), Pastor Sunday said that I should just tell him what to do, and he will do it,” explained Tuff in the statement.
On deeper investigation, however, he said he realized that Adelaja had deceived him.

“Initially, Pastor Sunday informed me that he left the service, and no longer appears in the church, and he also said that he repented in front of all the victims. I found that all these actions were superficial,” said Tuff.

“Pastor Sunday mentioned that he had a relationship with 20 or 30 women, probably, the number was more, he could not remember,” noted Tuff.

Tuff said he met with a number of Adelaja’s victims and they concluded that he needs “psychiatric help.”

“I talked with many women (married and unmarried), as well as with their husbands, and they shared with me the pain, described how pastor supervises them, and how he manipulates people.… All the stories were equally horrific, disgusting and depressing. People are very sorry about the current situation with the pastor and wanted him to have psychiatric help,” said Tuff.

Tuff explained that on March 23, he shared a course of discipline with Adelaja based on scriptures from 1 Timothy 3: 1-7; 5: 17-25 and Titus 1: 5-9. He said he pointed out to Adelaja that his actions not only defiled his own marriage but “a lot of other couples and unmarried women whose lives may be totally destroyed that could lead to the fact that all these people are away from the LORD.”

He said he told Adelaja: “Pastor, you have sinned against God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), you have violated the Word of God and perverted it to [your] own lustful purposes, you have sinned against [your] wife, [your] children, against the married and unmarried women, against the church ‘Embassy of God,’ the Body of Christ at the local, national and international levels, as well as against me, Apostle Tuff delivered by God as your spiritual cover. Your fall was known in the church, we must resolutely deal with it according to the scriptures.”

Tuff, however, was not satisfied with Adelaja’s response to his counsel and resigned as his “spiritual” father, according to the statement.

“Apparently, Pastor Sunday does not feel any pangs of conscience, and does not realize the seriousness of his sin and abomination,” said Tuff. “I will continue to pray for him and his family.”


56-Yr-Old Dallas Pastor sentenced To 35 Years Imprisonment For Stealing Over $300,000 Properties From 3 Churches



A Dallas, US, pastor has been sentenced to 35 years in prison after he was convicted of stealing property from three churches by filing fraudulent deeds.

Whitney Foster, 56, was found guilty by a jury of stealing goods worth at least $300,000, according to a news release from Dallas County Criminal District Attorney John Creuzot.

According to investigators, the total worth of the pilfered properties approached $800,000. According to Creuzot, “stealing real estate is an extremely serious and damaging crime.”

“It’s worse than the theft of someone’s vehicle or other possessions. When someone steals property, we must hold them accountable because they are hurting people.” Foster was the pastor of a small congregation that did not have a physical place to gather.

He stole church buildings and land by filing fraudulent deeds that listed fake leadership for the victim churches as the grantors and naming his church as the grantee, according to the district attorney’s office. The churches from which Foster stole were First Christian Church of Lancaster and two in Dallas — Canada Drive Christian Church and Church at Nineveh, authorities said.

Two of properties are still listed under the defendant’s name or his church’s name, and his congregation has been gathering at one of them, Creuzot said.

The third church property “remains embroiled in legal complications caused by Foster’s actions,” according to the news release.

Prosecutors also presented the jury with evidence of seven additional fraudulent deeds.

Homeowners in many Texas counties can register their property for a deed fraud alert service, which will send an alert via email whenever a document is filed on your property.

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Ecobank’s “Adire Lagos” Opens With Over 100 Exhibitors



The annual Ecobank “Adire Lagos” exhibition took off yesterday  with over 100 exhibitors showcasing their wares.

Originating from Abeokuta in Southwestern Nigeria, Adire textile is an indigenous indigo-dyed cloth made by using different wax-resistant methods to create dazzling designs. The four-day Adire exhibition, returning for the third year in a row, is to promote culture, tourism, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and enable them benefit from the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Some of the international exhibitors at the fair include Adire Oodua, Tampoori, Jide Batik, Janae, Asologe and host of others.

The 4-day fair which ends on Monday  is  at the Ecobank Pan African Centre (EPAC),  complex located in Victoria Island, Lagos,  is set to witness  influx of topflight exhibitors, government functionaries, culture enthusiasts, social media influencers, artistes, local and foreign tourists, traditional rulers, and members of the diplomatic community. It provides an exceptional opportunity to network with entrepreneurs, shoppers, and everyone in the business of Adire.

Addressing journalists at the opening ceremony, the Executive Director, Commercial Banking, Ecobank Nigeria, Kola Adeleke said the exhibition is part of the efforts of the bank to support the creative industry in the country, adding that it was also to promote micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and help them benefit from the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

According to him, “As you all know, we are part of a Pan African bank which operates in 33 countries of Africa. We always look out to support various initiatives on the continent and this adire exhibition fits into the scheme. As you can see, today, we have over 100 merchants who are being given the opportunity to showcase their adire products. This is the biggest that we’ve ever seen. It is an international exhibition. We want to support them all the way, train them and make them international brands with indigenous backgrounds. We want to ensure they are able to export their locally-created products across the continent. This is also one way to support the Nigerian economy.”

Exhibitors and attendees alike were enthusiastic and full of commendation for Ecobank. Ecobank Nigeria, a key driver of tourism, culture and the creative industries in Nigeria, recently hosted the +234Art, a 10-day art fair dedicated to nurturing and uplifting the burgeoning art industry in Nigeria. The fair provided a platform to support emerging artists and encourage increased interest in art acquisition; the bank organised the Photography, Art, and Design Exhibition (PADE) to commemorate World Photography Day in 2022; the bank also partnered “Songs & Stories” With Cobhams Asuquo;  Redbull Dance Your Style; BellaNaija Style Summit and Loosing Daylight (An exhibition of the history of Nollywood organised by Nse Ikpe-Etim)

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UPDATE: Kidnappers Of Fouani Company MD, Three Lebanese Demand $1.5m Ransom



The kidnappers of the Managing Director of Fouani Company, who represents LG and Hisense, and three Lebanese nationals, have demanded a ransom of $1.5 million.

According to a source under anonymity, the kidnappers made contact with the family of the victims and demanded the ransom in exchange for their safe release.

It was earlier reported that the victims were abducted around Falomo Bridge while traveling from Apapa to Victoria Island.

The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin, confirmed the abduction saying, “Yes, it is true. We got the report and we are looking into it. Please, I’m not obliged to state more than that,” he simply said.


More to come…

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