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Meeting Labour’s Demand On New Minimum Wage Will Cause Retrenchments —- Labour Minister Chris Ngige



The Minister for Labour and Employment, Dr. Chris Ngige, announced on Thursday that the Federal Government would have to lay off workers to be able to meet a wage bill of N580 billion needed to meet Labour’s demand on the new wage.

Ngige told Labour leaders in Abuja that the sum was what would be needed by government to pay the consequential adjustments as demanded by Labour.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the minister’s announcement is the latest in the increasing drama over payment of the new wage.

A Bill for the New Minimum Wage was signed into law by President Muhammadu Buhari on April 18.

Ngige was speaking when the leadership of the United Labour Congress (ULC), paid him a courtesy visit in his office.

Government and labour have been locked in an endless tussle over modalities for the payment of the new wage, long expected by workers.

Ngige said that Federal Government was avoiding a situation where it would have to lay off workers, noting that throwing workers into unemployment would add to their burden.

The minister pleaded with labour to accept the consequential adjustment from levels 7 to 17, adding that government had only three months left to implement the new wage.

He stated that government would not promise labour what it could not pay, noting that no worker deserved to be owed salary.

Ngige disclosed that the Federal Government had so far paid arrears of N500 billion to workers, including the Academic Staff Union of Universities.

He restated that implementation of the new wage had since commenced for workers on grade level 1 to 6, adding that the development had helped those on the lower cadre in the civil service to move up.

It will be recalled that government had told Labour unions that it could only pay 9.5 per cent salary raise for employees on grade levels 07 to14 and five per cent for those on grade levels 15 to17.

But Labour is demanding 30 per cent raise for officers on grade levels 07 to 14 and 25 per cent for those on grade levels 15-17.

Public sector workers in Nigeria receive some of the lowest pay cheques in the world, although political office holders receive fat salaries, according to analysts.

The President of UCL, Mr Joe Ajaero, appealed for payment of the new wage, stressing that the private sector should also be compelled to pay the N30, 000 minimum wage.

He said there was need to review obsolete laws that were not in tune with present realities, noting that a situation where some private sector employers paid their employees N10, 000 and N15, 000 was unacceptable.


Nnamdi Kanu Nearly Won House Of Reps Ticket Before Forming IPOB — APGA Pioneer Chairman Chekwas Okorie



The founder of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Chief Chekwas Okorie, has revealed that the protracted crisis in the party denied the detained leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra the opportunity of becoming a lawmaker in the House of Representatives.

The separatist leader Is currently standing trial for treason and perpetuating falsehoods against the administration of former President Muhammadu Buhari, mainly through broadcasts on the controversial Radio Biafra outlet and social media.

Although he has repeatedly pleaded not guilty, the IPOB leader has been in the custody of the Department of State Services since June 2021 when he was forcibly repatriated to the country from Kenya.

The court also turned down Kanu’s application seeking to either be put on house arrest or transferred to a custodial centre pending the hearing and determination of his trial.

According to The Punch, Reacting to Kanu’s travail, Okorie said that things might perhaps have turned out differently if the leadership crisis rocking the party for over 22 years had not put paid to the Biafra agitator’s political ambition in 2004.

The APGA pioneer chairman described Kanu as a passionate and determined young man when he pronounced him as the chairman of the party in the United Kingdom.

He said, “Let me tell you this. Maybe it will be new to many people. If APGA did not have crisis, there would have been no IPOB. I will tell you why. I was the one who appointed Nnamdi Kanu as chairman of APGA in UK in 2002. He was very young and sees me as a father. I saw his passion.

“His interest was to go for House of Reps in his constituency come 2007 election. By then, the opportunity for 2003 had gone. So, I said that for the passion and commitment he showed in this party, I earned the right to offer him a choice of first refusal for that constituency ticket for 2007.

“But as I told you earlier, a crisis broke out in December 2004. So, there was no 2007 anymore. Everybody, including Nnamdi Kanu, led the delegations from the UK because we had APGA in Europe, America and other places.

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JUST IN: President Tinubu Names Abuja Road After Chinua Achebe



Nigeria’s President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has approved the naming of the M18 road infrastructure in Guzape District, Abuja after renowned novelist, Chinua Achebe.

Tinubu made this known during his address at the inauguration of the road in Abuja on Saturday, June 8.

This was contained in a post by Special Assistant to President Tinubu on Social Media, Olusegun Dada.

He wrote: “President Bola Ahmed Tinubu Commissions the M18 road infrastructure in Guzape District of Abuja. Names road after Nigerian Novelist and Poet, late Professor Chinua Achebe.”


More to come…

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Celebrating ‘Star Boy’ Mr Environment, Tokunbo Wahab — By Kunle Rasheed



In the bustling city of Lagos, where the Atlantic breeze meets the relentless energy of its people, Honourable Tokunbo Wahab stands as a testament of visionary leadership and environmental stewardship.

His appointment as the Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources has heralded a new era of ecological consciousness and sustainable development in Nigeria’s most populous city.

Commissioner Wahab’s journey to the forefront of Lagos’ environmental crusade is as inspiring as it is transformative. A seasoned lawyer and a passionate advocate for justice, his legal prowess is matched only by his commitment to public service. His rich background in legal practice, has made him a strong advocate for equity, fairness and justice which he has displayed severally wherever he finds himself. TK’s legal acumen, paired with his passion for community service, has made him an invaluable asset to Lagos State.

Tokunbo Wahab has taken the reins of the Lagos State Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources with a clear mandate: to innovate, sustain, and lead the city into a greener future.

His tenure as the Special Adviser to the Governor on Education laid the groundwork for his innovative approach to governance, culminating in his smooth transition to the environment sector.

Wahab served as the Special Adviser to the Governor on Education. During this tenure, he spearheaded transformative educational policies, enhancing the quality of tertiary education and improving teaching standards across the state. His transition to the environment sector was seamless, bringing with him a wealth of experience in policy development and implementation.

Since his swearing-in on September 13, 2023, ‘Star Boy’ Wahab, has been at the helm of pioneering initiatives aimed at revitalizing Lagos’s environmental policies. His holistic approach addresses critical issues such as water resources management, waste reduction, and urban planning with innovative solutions that balance economic growth with ecological preservation.

Under his leadership, the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources has introduced eco-friendly programs and enforced regulations to protect natural resources, earning him accolades from environmentalists and the citizens of Lagos alike. His efforts to integrate environmental consciousness into the fabric of Lagosian life are reshaping the city’s relationship with its environment.

From the introduction of eco-friendly programs to the enforcement of regulations that protect natural resources, his work is shaping a sustainable blueprint for Lagos’s future.

What distinguishes the unique administrator, is his unwavering connection with the people he serves. He understands that effective environmental policy is not just about legislation; it’s about the lives and livelihoods of the millions who call Lagos home. His inclusive leadership style ensures that every Lagosian has a stake in the city’s environmental future.

As Lagos navigates the challenges of urbanization and climate change, Commissioner Wahab’s role becomes increasingly pivotal. His dedication to creating a livable, sustainable city for all is a beacon of hope for a greener, more resilient Lagos.

Celebrating his achievements is not merely a recognition of his contributions but a call to action for all Lagosians to join in the movement towards a sustainable future. It is not only about acknowledging his contributions but also sounding it clear that Wahab has remained one of the shinning stars of Babajide Sanwo-Olu’s government that keeps inspiring a collective effort towards a better Lagos.


Kunle Rasheed, a journalist, is reporting live from his inner mind in Lagos












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