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2019 Elections: Atiku Is My Good Friend But We Will Send Him Into Retirement On Saturday —- Tinubu



A national leader of the All Progressives Congress, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, said on Thursday in Lagos that the party would send the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, into retirement on Saturday for the good of Nigeria.

Tinubu said this in a statement made available by his Media Officer, Tunde Rahman.
He said: “This election is more than a contest between two men, President Muhammadu Buhari and former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, for that one exalted chair.

“Look, I have made no attempts to hide my friendship with Atiku. We are friends before this election and hopefully we will be friends after Feb. 16 when he goes into retirement.

“For the good of Nigeria and even the good of Atiku himself, we will do well to send him into retirement on Saturday.

“Perhaps, we should also send Obi into retirement along with his boss come Feb. 16. Perhaps together they might manage to discover the place where they might learn compassion for the common man.”

Tinubu said there was not much good that could be found in the policies and programmes announced by the PDP.

He said: “Atiku’s answers to our economic challenges are to shrink and restrain government from being the active catalyst toward a diversified economy that assured broadly-shared prosperity through the just allocation of wealth and reward according to sweat and toil put forth by the Nigerian people.

“They seek an unfair, unjust and unequal Nigeria. Their definition of Nigeria is a nation run by the greedy, for the profit of the rich, at the command of the mighty.”

Tinubu said the objective of the APC was to remake Nigeria into a great nation.

He said: “Our vision is the opposite of theirs, Unlike the PDP, we, the APC, are anchored to the proposition that every Nigerian is entitled to equal access and sufficient economic opportunity so that he may use his talents, skills and committed exertion to carve for himself and his loved ones the decent and good life every human being seeks.

“The ordinary person is not to be shortchanged of the fair dividends of his honest sweat and diligent labour simply because he may be poor or because the powerful and wealthy want more.

“Because of the APC’s concerns for the struggles of the average person, we launched beneficial social welfare programmes such as the school feeding programme, Trader-Moni and N-Power.

“As such, we have made progress caring for our most needy and vulnerable through these and other innovative and unprecedented policies. These programmes are of the type all great nations do for their citizens.”

Tinubu said the APC was not satisfied by what had been accomplished, saying what had been done was but the opening phase of a more ambitious undertaking.

He said: “We have just begun to fight poverty and reform this economy on the scale required. Though we have helped millions, several millions more are needed to end poverty’s stranglehold on their lives.

“We must expand the scope and reach of our social welfare programmes to encompass those other people who have been denied access to the productive economy through no fault of their own.

“Additionally, we must put idle hands to work to build a modern infrastructure that will energise agricultural output in rural areas and foster labour-intensive industrialisation in our growing cities.”

The former governor of Lagos State said the second term of President Buhari would be dedicated to changing the structure of the economy for the better.

He said: “We must amend our national economic architecture to unlock the full potentials of our people and our land. To me, this is the core mandate of government for and of the people.

“Throughout the campaign, we have talked about taking Nigeria to the Next Level. To me, this Next Level is informed by forging a new partnership between government and the governed to create a more just and prosperous economy for all.

“The beginning of this new partnership is already taking shape. As stated before, we have initiated a first phase of social welfare programmes.”

Tinubu urged the people of South West to join APC in implementing the Next Level agenda.

He said: “The South West has always been at the vanguard of progressive governance in Nigeria. Today should be no exception to this historic role we have played.

“I ask the people of the South West to join the APC so that we attain the Next Level by implementing this bold and good new partnership built on the following pillars: power, infrastructure, housing, industrialisation, agriculture and social security.”

Tinubu said that the coming elections were a choice between progress and retreat.

He said: “The future is uncertain until we enter it. February 16 is Election Day and on that day Nigeria shall step into its future.

“How you vote on that day will determine whether we walk into the future in a manner that guides our subsequent steps toward the national greatness that calls to us or will we walk into it backwards as if feebly trying to reinvent the past.

“One road leads to a certain replay of the economic injustices of the past. It is a road well-worn with familiar pitfalls and setbacks built into the very nature of it.

“The other road provides the truest, brightest chance for us to enter into our hopeful future but only if we are brave enough to believe in our capacity to improve our nation.”

Tinubu urged Nigerians to vote for President Buhari for a secured future.

He said: “This is the future we must enter. This is the future the APC champions. This is future you must choose on Election Day. Vote for yourselves by voting for President Buhari.”

Tinubu urged Nigerians to conduct themselves peacefully before, during and after the elections to ensure a violence-free exercise.

He said: “In the exercise of our civic duty at this historic and important moment, I ask that you conduct yourselves with utmost tolerance and in equal peace towards both political ally and political opponent.

“Let us show the world that we know the true meaning of democracy. On Election Day let not an angry hand be raised against any Nigerian.

“No matter our political differences, let us remember we are of one land and of the same national family.

“This election shall be free and fair and conducted without the arm of violence. For this is as Nigeria and our democratic exercise must be to achieve the excellent destination intended for us.”


Sokoto Government Replies Shettima, Says There’s No Attempt To Dethrone Sultan



  • Asks Vice President to always cross check facts


The Sokoto government has asked Vice-President Kashim Shettima to always cross check facts before going public.

Shettima, at the inaugural north-west security summit in Katsina on Monday, said the Sultan of Sokoto represents an idea that must be jealously guarded and projected for the growth of the nation.

“And to the deputy governor of Sokoto, I have a simple message for you. Yes, the Sultan is the Sultan of Sokoto, but he is much more than that; he represents an idea,” Shettima had said.

Prior to the vice-president’s remark, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) had alleged that the Sokoto government is plotting to dethrone Muhammad Abubakar as the Sultan of Sokoto.

MURIC had asked Ahmad Aliyu, governor of Sokoto, to exercise restraint and not tamper with the traditional and religious institution of the Sultan.

In a statement on Tuesday, Abubakar Bawa, chief press secretary to the Sokoto governor, said the state government never attempted to dethrone the Sultan as speculated.

“The Sokoto state government has called on our Vice-President Kashim Shettima to always cross check facts before commenting on sensitive national matters,” the statement reads.

“We sincerely expected the Vice-President to have consulted the governor before going public.

“The state government urges Vice-President Shettima as No 2 citizen to have a full knowledge on issues of national concern before commenting on them.

“As an elder statesman and a father to all, he should have facts and figures before judging on issues raised by mischief makers and the mushroom social media handlers known for negative propaganda.

“The fact of the matter is that there was never any attempt to sack the Sultan nor have we sent him any threat regarding that.

“Sultan enjoys all the powers he is entitled to. We never denied him any of his freedom or rights.

“We, therefore, do not need to be told to guard, protect, and promote the Sultan. It is our sole responsibility.

“The government and people of Sokoto cherish and adore the sultanate council and would do everything possible to protect the dignity of the revered institution.”

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Northern Politicians Plotting To Use Buhari To Unseat Tinubu In 2027 — Shehu Sani



Shehu Sani, a former senator representing Kaduna central, says the recent visits by northern politicians to former President Muhammadu Buhari are calculated moves to work against President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in the 2027 general election.

Several northern politicians have visited Buhari in his home town of Daura, Katsina state in the past few weeks.

On June 22, former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar and Aminu Tambuwal, ex-governor of Sokoto, visited Buhari.

About 24 hours later, Nasir el-Rufai, an ex-governor of Kaduna, also visited the former president.

In a statement on Monday, Sani said that though the visits have been tagged as “Sallah homage,” they have a political undertone.

“The recent visits by some prominent Northern politicians to Daura appear to be the usual Eid homage, but looking deeper and beyond the facade, it’s surreptitiously a new attempt to build a strong northern alliance using ex-President Buhari as a rallying point to challenge and evict President Tinubu’s government in 2027,” the statement reads.

“It’s a regrouping of Northern political forces for the next general election. A project that will eventually kiss the dust.

“They want to resurrect Buhari’s political charm and fanaticism and mobilise the gullible to another hollow and bewildering end.

“They want to stock up and light up the Arewa sentiment without considering the inferno it would eventually generate.”

Sani said Buhari, a northerner who served as president for eight years, did not make a significant impact on the nation.

“They had power and wasted it. What do they want to do with it again?” the former senator queried.

“A southerner is in power just for one year. It’s too early for the desperate and power-hungry northern elite to start plotting.

“The south never did that to Buhari. Their intended action has the capacity of ruining the democratic process and wrecking the fragile unity of the country when the south is awakened to this reality. Their obsession with power is condemnable.

“Opposition to Tinubu from the point of policies, promises and programs of his administration is a democratic right of any Nigerian.

“People have the right to speak and criticize the government. But attempts to whip up Northern sentiments to achieve their political ends is a dangerous political experiment and expedition at this material time.

“No serious southerner challenged Buhari for eight years. These power-drunk Northern politicians are dragging the region to a new political journey through a land mine.

“The Daura homage of the disgruntled and the obsessed will fail. Our people in the North should reject these faces and their plots.

“They have nothing to offer. From the abandoned Baro Port, Ajaokuta, Lake Chad basin refiling and Mambilla hydropower, they failed.”

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Labour Party Crisis: Apapa Faction Accepts Abure As National Chairman, Says Fight Now Against Peter Obi, NLC



Weary of the leadership struggle between the Julius Abure-led Labour Party (LP) and his camp, the Deputy National Chairman, South, of the LP, Lamidi Apapa has collapsed his faction and accepted Abure as the party’s national chairman.

With this development, the leadership tussle between the two camps may have also been laid to rest.

However, the Apapa’s faction has stated that both factions reconciled to fight the presidential candidate of the party in the 2023 general election, Mr. Peter Obi and the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC).

The crisis between Abure and Apapa almost polarised the party to the extent that both filed separate appeals during the presidential election petition.

In what was described as an anti-party activity to destabilise the party for the benefit of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Apapa had filed a petition to discontinue Obi’s presidential petition against President Bola Tinubu.

The NLC had backed Abure during the war of attrition between him and Apapa.

With the new peace deal between Abure and Apapa, the two camps would team up against the plans by the NLC to take over the party.

Abure, who had enjoyed NLC’s support, fell out of favour with the union following a contentious national convention held in Anambra State that returned him and all his loyal members of the National Working Committee (NWC) to office three months ago.

This compelled the NLC Political Commission to void the new leadership and set up a transition committee, saddled with the task of engaging stakeholders of the party and conducting a fresh convention in 90 days.

NLC also embarked on a series of picketing at LP secretariats nationwide, insisting on an all-inclusive convention but Abure had his way.

A source at the LP national secretariat, who preferred anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media, explained that Abure felt the urgent need to close rank with the Apapa’s faction following the open revolt and pressure from the NLC and his perceived differences with Obi.

According to the source, “it is the only logical way for him to have a united front against the threat of the NLC in particular. I believe you already know Abure has a long history with Apapa and Abayomi Arabambi before now,” the source explained.

When contacted, the factional spokesman of Apapa’s camp, Abayomi Arabambi, confirmed the development.

Arabambi told THISDAY that they had no problem with Abure from the outset because they knew he was being misled by NLC leadership.

“Yes, it is true. The reconciliation was done to fight a common enemy.”

When asked who the common enemy was, he said: “Peter Obi and the NLC, particularly the NLC President, Joe Ajaero.”

When reminded that the Abure-led party had reserved the 2027 presidential ticket for Obi, the spokesman of the Apapa faction said “That is a complete fallacy.”

He said: “We are together to stop all those political hawks from taking over our party. We thought they (NLC) were fighting for a just cause. But it is very obvious they only want to take over our party and we are not going to accept that.

He added: “I also want you to know that there is nothing like the Obi-Datti Presidential Campaign here anymore. It has been dissolved. Everybody has reverted to former governorship and presidential candidates. We don’t want disinformation from the Labour Party.”

The National Publicity Secretary of LP, Obiora Ifoh, also confirmed the reunion to THISDAY, saying it was not out of place for Abure to extend olive branches to aggrieved members of the party.

According to him, both leaders reconciled to move the party ahead.

He said: “They have reconciled and Apapa has reverted to his earlier position as the Deputy National Chairman, South. Apapa pledged solidarity with the Abure-led National Working Committee.

“The Labour Party is one united party now except some little pockets of opposition led by Kenneth Okonkwo. We are sure that sooner than expected, he will join the mainstream party led by Abure,” Ifoh added.

Ifoh stressed that it was because of the reconciliation that Apapa had been speaking in favour of one united political party led by Abure.

He also disclosed that there were ongoing talks with the Ajaero-led NLC to put the Labour Party in good position for the politics of 2027 and the governorship elections in Edo and Ondo scheduled later this year.

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